July 18, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge to Flag
3. Roll Call
Jim Block ____________________ Dale Lenz____________________
Michelle Carlson_______________ Jeff Swenson__________________ Randy Hackett________________ Liz Verley_____________________ |
4. Approval of Agenda
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director ____________ to approve the agenda as presented/amended. Motion carried/failed by ___________ vote. |
5. Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Director ________ and seconded by Director ________ to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on June 20, 2016 and special meeting on June 27, 2016 as presented/corrected. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote. |
6. Claims, Accounts and Financial
It was moved by Director ____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve bills due and payable, p-card transactions, and employee reimbursements as attached and approve all other financial reports as presented. Motion carried/failed by _______ vote. |
7. Recognition of Citizens for Input Purposes
8. Appreciation, Recognition and Presentations
9. Reports/Good News
9.a. Business Manager’s Report
9.b. Principals’ Reports
9.c. Director of Student Activites and Community Education Coordinator's Report
9.d. Superintendent’s Report
9.e. Board Committee Reports
10. Action Items
10.a. Approval of Resignations
It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve Rusty Gwost's resignation as an elementary teacher effective June 21, 2016 with thanks extended for services rendered. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.b. Approval of Hirings
The Royalton School Board will approve the following hires based upon the findings of each individual’s background check, licensure status, and discipline report from the MN Department of Education. It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the hiring of Joy Mooney as a technology integrationist effective June 1, 2016 as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the hiring of Merrin Polzine-Lust as an elementary teacher effective the beginning of the 2016-17 school year as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the hiring of Kathy Nelson as a daily substitute teacher per agreement effective the beginning of the 2016-17 school year as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the hiring of Jenna Hansen as a paraprofessional effective the beginning of the 2016-17 school year as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the hiring of Marcella Hilmerson as a paraprofessional effective the beginning of the 2016-17 school year as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.c. Memorandum of Agreement Between Independent School District No 485, Brent Lieser, and Royalton Education Minnesota
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Independent School District No 485, Brent Lieser, and Royalton Education Minnesota (REM) as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.d. Approval of Director of Students Activities and Community Education Coordinator's Contract for 2016-18
It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve the Director of Students Activities and Community Education Coordinator's Contract for 2016-18 as presented. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.e. Approval of Amended Mid-State Education District Agreement
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the Mid-State Education District Agreement amended on June 8, 2016 as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.f. Approval of Fuel Bid
It is administration's recommendation that we accept the bid from Mansfield Oil Company/Lube Tech of St. Cloud, MN. It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to approve the fuel bid from Masfield Oil Company/Lube Tech of St. Cloud, MN for the 2016-17 school year. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote |
10.g. Approval of Dairy Bid
It is administration's recommendation that we accept the bid from Kemps. It was moved by Director __________ and seconded by Director _____________to approve the dairy bid from Kemps for the 2016-17 school year. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.h. Approval of Breakfast and Lunch Prices
It was moved by Director _______ and seconded by Director _____ to approve meal prices for the 2016-2017 school year as presented/amended. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.i. Approval of Royalton School District Goals for 2016-17
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the Royalton School District goals for 2016-17. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.j. Approval of Student Handbooks for 2016-17
It was moved by Director _____________ and seconded by Director _____________ to approve the student handbooks for 2016-17 as per administrative recommendation. Motion carried/failed by ___ vote. |
10.k. Approval of Policies 102, 206, 208, 402, 413, 414 and 522
It was moved by Director ________ and seconded by Director ________ to approve district policies 102, 206, 208, 402, 413, 414 and 522 as presented/amended. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote. |
11. Discussion Items
11.a. Advisory Committee with Upsala School District
11.b. Board Assigned Representatives to Royals Wrestling Club and RBI Club
11.c. Kelsie Herzog (Non-Union Employee)
11.d. First Reading of Policies
11.e. Second Reading of Policies
11.f. Royalton MS-HS Activities Handbook
11.g. Platte River Day Parade
12. Information Items
12.a. Enrollment Information
13. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
14. Adjournment
It was moved by Director ______________ and seconded by Director _____________ to adjourn the meeting at _________ p.m. Motion carried/failed by ________ vote. |