January 8, 2016 at 4:00 PM - Superintendent's Weekly Update to the Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Back Payment for Cash in Lieu
2nd Request Back on November 20, 2015 I asked for your help with an employee's cash in lieu request. Neither Kelsie or I have received an email or phone call from a board member. This is one of those items that can go either way. I'd greatly appreciate thoughts/ideas from anyone willing to share. Should we back pay or not? How will paying this employee potentially affect other employees? Is it worth going to mediation or arbitration? I will send Kevin Rupp an email. A decision probably needs thought/opinions for a school attorney too. |
2. Energy Efficient Rebate from Excel Energy
Xcel Energy has pre-approved our construction project for an energy efficient building rebate. The amount is $43,342.49. Please see attached a letter from Xcel Energy. |
3. PMA Bond Portfolio Management Report
Please see attached the December 2015 PMA Bond Portfolio Management Report. Our estimated interest income (not including rebates) is now $85,505. Remember this is money we're pretending doesn't exist until the end of the project. The additional money can be used for necessary items at the end or placed back into the general fund reserve fund. |
4. American Association of School Administrators (AASA) National Conference on Education
Please see attached my request for out of state travel to attend the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) National Conference on Education. I was able to substantially reduce the estimated costs by arranging to stay with a friend who lives in Phoenix. I will include the request in the regular board meeting on January 11. |
5. Weekly Bills
Please see attached the weekly bills for your approval. |