March 23, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Approve Agenda / Table File
III. Public Comment / Correspondence
IV. Approve Minutes
V. Announcements / Recognitions
VI. Student School Board Representative Report
VII. Items for Discussion
VII.A. Superintendent Search
VII.B. Transportation Route Revisions
VII.C. Revised Policy
VII.C.1. Second Reading of 418 Drug Free Workplace/School
VII.D. Budget Reductions
VII.E. Coronavirus
VII.F. Remote Meetings
VIII. Superintendent's Report
VIII.A. Items for Consent Grouping
VIII.A.1. Claims on Accounts and Electronic Transfers
VIII.A.2. Personnel Report
VIII.B. Items for Individual Action
VIII.B.1. Approve Temporary Booster Club Application-Baseball
VIII.B.2. School Resource Officer Proposal
VIII.B.3. Athletic Conference Proposal - HVL/Gopher
VIII.B.4. Acceptance of Donations
IX. Administrative Reports
IX.A. Superintendent
IX.B. Finance
IX.C. Elementary Principal
IX.D. Secondary Principal
IX.E. Community Education
IX.F. Student Enrollment
IX.G. School Board Committee Reports
X. Future Meetings - Location subject to change
*April 13, 2020 - Work Session,KW Middle/High School, 5:30 PM *April 15,16 & 20 - Special Meetings, KW Middle/High School, 5:30 PM *April 27, 2020 - Regular Meeting, KW Middle/High School, 7:00 PM |
XI. Adjourn Meeting