August 31, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Planning and Zoning Commission
Agenda |
1. A meeting of the St. Planning Commission was convened in open and public session on the 31st day of August, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. held in the City Council Chambers, 704 6th Street, St. Paul, Nebraska.
2. Chairman Charles Schmid called the meeting to order at ___ p.m. with a statement regarding the Open Meeting Act, which is posted on the west wall of the City Council Chambers. Member roll call: Chairman Chuck Schmid, Connie Becker, Arvilla Jacobs, Wilber Medbery, and Tony Walch, along with Zoning Administrator Matt Helzer and Laura Berthelsen (minutes). The agenda was sent to the Board members prior to the meeting and posted in four (4) public places.
3. Discuss - Approve / Deny the August 10, 2020 minutes.
4. Chairman Schmid presented the following zoning permits:
(a) 2020-55 Chris Meyer - Construct house at 604 Paul Street (b) 2020-56 Keith Harris - Construct wood porch at 1017 Paul Street (c) 2020-57 Bed Head Coffee Co. - Install illuminated awning at 716 Howard Avenue
5. Discussion / Reports
6. Chairman Schmid announces the next Planning Commission meeting.
7. Public Comments
8. Zoning Administrator Helzer Report
9. Adjournment