January 25, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Reading of Communications
V. Superintendent's Report
V.A. Presentation by Curriculum Director, Darek Naglak - ELA (K-8) and Math (6-8) Adoption Process for SY 2022
VI. Public Comment
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.A. Authorize Payment of Monthly Bills for January, 2022
VII.A.1. Board Bills January, 2022
VII.A.2. Activity Funds January, 2022
VII.B. Approval of Minutes
VII.B.1. Special Minutes of December 8, 2021
VII.B.2. Confidential Minutes of December 8, 2021
VII.B.3. Public Hearing and Regular Minutes of December 14, 2021
VII.C. Approval of Employment
VII.C.1. Support Personnel
VII.C.1.a. Noemi Trujillo, Lincoln, Building Secretary, $15/hr, 1/26/22
VII.C.1.b. Maria Jasso, Home, Lunch Aide, $11/hr, TBD (pending background)
VII.C.2. Leave of Personnel
VII.C.2.a. Tabitha Coleman, GWMS, Instructional Coach, 1/10/22-1/17/22 (extension update - originally scheduled 2/13/21-1/10/22)
VII.C.2.b. Pamela DeBord, Costello, ESL Teacher, 1/3/22-3/23/22
VII.C.2.c. Julie Jalove, Lincoln, 4th Grade Teacher, 9/20/21-TBD
VII.C.2.d. Jessica Koester, Edison, 5th Grade Teacher, 2/7/22-4/4/22
VII.C.2.e. Mallory Wienke, Costello, 1st Grade Teacher, 1/4/22-1/11/22
VII.C.3. Approval of Resignations
VII.C.3.a. Kathy Voss, Home, Food Service Bookkeeper, 12/31/21
VII.C.3.b. Dionte Washington, Robinson, Resource Teacher, 1/12/22
VII.C.4. Approval of Retirement
VII.C.4.a. Sandra Levato, Robinson, Special Education Aide, 9/2/22
VII.C.4.b. Dennis Neil, GWMS, Custodian, 9/30/22
VIII. Action Item
VIII.A. Approval of Interim Business Manager, Guy M. Cahill, d/b/a Guy M. Cahill & Associates, Inc., $750.00 per 5/hr Day Performance (hours greater/less than 5 hours in a day will be paid at a pro-rata rate) not to exceed $90,000 for Fiscal Year 2021-22
VIII.B. Approval of Board Goals for SY2021-2022
VIII.C. Approval of Resolution for Appointment of Authorized Agent
IX. Adjournment