November 24, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Reading of Communications
IV.A. FOIA Report
V. Superintendent's Report
VI. Public Comment
Due to the public access to meeting being remote, public comment shall by email and written correspondence or Google Meets. Persons interested in making written public comment must email their public comment to or deliver written public comment to the District Office by November 24, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Emailed and written public comments are limited to 200 words and will be read aloud during the Public Comment portion of the meeting.
VII. Year-to-Date Financials
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Approval of Minutes
VIII.A.1. Regular Minutes of October 27, 2020
VIII.B. Authorize Payment of Monthly Bills for November, 2020
VIII.B.1. Board Bills November, 2020
VIII.B.2. Activity Funds November, 2020
VIII.C. Approval of Employment
VIII.C.1. Support Personnel
VIII.C.1.a. Monica Salinas, Lincoln, Parent Liaison, $15.00/hr, 11/30/2020
VIII.C.1.b. Michelle Valle, Lincoln, Building Secretary, $11.81/hr, 11/30/2020
VIII.C.2. Leave of Personnel
VIII.C.2.a. Danielle Berger, Life Skills Teacher, GWMS, 8/24/20-1/4/21 (previously approved for (first day of) FY2020-2021-11/16/20)
VIII.C.2.b. Cheryl Anderson, GWMS, Speech Pathologist, 10/26/2020-TDB (intermittent)
VIII.C.2.c. Maggie Matchinis, Lincoln, 12/18/20-4/5/21
VIII.D. Skyward Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement
VIII.E. Intergovernmental Agreement (West 40 and Lyons School District 103) 2020-2021
IX. Board Reports
IX.A. First Reading of Policies - Press Plus
IX.A.1. Policty 5:10 - Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment
IX.A.2. Policy 5:20 - Workplace Harassment Prohibited
IX.A.3. Policy 2:260 - Uniform Grievance Procedure
IX.A.4. Policy 2:265 - Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure
IX.A.5. Policy 5:100 - Staff Development Program
IX.A.6. Policy 5:220 - Substitute Teachers
IX.A.7. Policy 5:330 - Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves
IX.A.8. Policy 7:10 - Equal Educational Opportunities
IX.A.9. Policy 7:20 - Harassment of Students Prohibited
IX.A.10. Policy 7:180 - Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment
IX.A.11. Policy 7:185 - Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
IX.A.12. Policy 8:30 - Visitors to and Conduct on School Property
IX.A.13. Policy 8:110 - Public Suggestions and Concerns
X. Action Items
X.A. Approval of Truth-In-Taxation Hearing on the 2020 Tax Levy
X.B. Approval of Performance Goals for Superintendent's Employment Agreement
X.C. Approval of Director of Early Childhood Education, Beatriz Lappay, $95,000 (to be prorated) for FY2020-2021
XI. Adjournment