August 13, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Reading of Communications
V. Public Comment
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval of Employment
VI.A.1. Certified Personnel
VI.A.1.a. Tiffany Barrett, 4th Grade Teacher, Home, $45,370.89, 8/26/19
VI.A.1.b. Abby Spankroy, 1st Grade Teacher, Home, $45,370.89 8/26/19
VI.A.2. Support Personnel
VI.A.2.a. Mary Levin, ECE Aide, Costello, $11.57, 8/26/19
VI.A.2.b. Julie Alvarado, 1:1 Aide, GWMS, $11.57, 8/26/19
VI.A.3. Approval of Resignations
VI.A.3.a. Al Molina, Teacher, GWMS, 8/5/19
VI.A.3.b. Heather Guidice, Math Interventionist, Robinson, 8/5/19
VI.A.3.c. Tricia Tirio, Math Interventionist, Robinson, 8/1/19
VI.A.3.d. Ben Grazevich, Building Tech Analyst, District, 8/20/19
VI.A.3.e. Kiaramary Cordova, ECE Aide, Lincoln, 8/1/19
VI.A.4. Approval of Retirement
VI.A.4.a. Dorothy Ptacek, Clerical Aide, Home, 8/7/19
VI.B. Approval of Payment
VI.B.1. Appraisal Associates, $1,1750.00
VI.B.2. Jakub Banbor, $1,800.00
VI.B.3. Industrial Appraisal, $6,950.00
VI.B.4. Murphy Builders, Inc., $6,950.00
VI.B.5. Village Electric, $1,475.00
VI.B.6. ZPD+A, $22,179.14
VI.C. Settlement Agreement - Carol Baker and Lyons School District 103, $10,701.72
VII. Discussion Items
VII.A. Superintendent - Mr. Kristopher Rivera
VII.A.1. Financial Report
VII.B. Technology Director - Michael Crowley
VII.B.1. Presentation of Konica Copiers
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Approval of Konica Copiers
IX. Adjournment