May 29, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Reading of Communications
V. Superintendent's Report
V.A. Battle of the Books Winner Presentations
VI. Public Comment
VII. Board Reorganization
Adjourn sine die
VII.A. Roll Call
VII.B. Election President Pro Tem and Secretary Pro Tem
VII.C. Election of Officers
VII.C.1. President
VII.C.2. Vice-President
VII.C.3. Secretary
VII.D. Approve 2018-2019 Board Meeting Calendar
VII.E. Board Appointments
VII.E.1. Recording Secretary
VII.E.2. IASB Governing Board Representative
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Approval of Minutes
VIII.A.1. Special Minutes of April 23, 2018
VIII.A.2. Regular Minutes of April 23, 2018
VIII.A.3. Confidential Minutes of April 23, 2018
VIII.B. Authorize Payment of Monthly Bills for May, 2018
VIII.B.1. Bill List May, 2018
VIII.B.2. Activity Funds May, 2018
VIII.C. Approval of Employment
VIII.C.1. Certified Personnel
VIII.C.1.a. Kristi Korzelik, ESY Teacher, Robinson, $24.00/hour, 7/23/18-8/9/18
VIII.C.1.b. Megan Julseth, Special Education Teacher, Costello, $43,609.00, 8/27/18
VIII.C.1.c. Sarah Mussallem, 5th Grade Teacher, Robinson, $44,153.00, 8/27/18
VIII.C.1.d. Susan Hoekstra, Special Education Teacher, Costello, $46,188.00, 8/27/18
VIII.C.1.e. Jeffrey McManus, Social Worker, Lincoln, $48,929.00, 8/27/18
VIII.C.1.f. Kristen Krawczyk, Social Worker, Robinson/Costello, $47,173.00, 8/27/18
VIII.C.2. Support Personnel
VIII.C.2.a. Janet Vega, 1:1 Instructional Aide, Edison, $11.33/hour, 8/27/18
VIII.C.2.b. Deanna Bohn, K/ELA Academies, Costello, $9.87/hour, 8/6/18-8/23/18
VIII.C.2.c. John Colucci, Summer Camp Specialist, GWMS, $10/36/hour, 6/4/18-7/27/18
VIII.C.2.d. Enrique Vasquez, Summer Camp Specialist, GWMS, $10.36, 6/4/18-7/27/18
VIII.C.2.e. Ken Kishbaugh, Skilled Maintenance, Garage-Districtwide, $34.00/hour, 7/16/18
VIII.C.2.f. John Wisneski, Maintenance/Custodial, Garage-Districtwide, $Per Current Union Contract, 7/1/30
VIII.C.2.g. Seamus Cannon, Summer Custodian, Districtwide, $10.00/hour, 6/4/18-8/24/18
VIII.C.2.h. Anthony Crowley, Summer Custodian, Districtwide, $10.00/hour, 6/4/18-8/24/18
VIII.C.2.i. Michael Crowley, Summer Custodian, Districtwide, $10.00/hour, 6/4/18-8/24/18
VIII.C.2.j. Julie Drazdik, Summer Custodian, Districtwide, $10.00/hour, 6/4/18-8/24/18
VIII.C.2.k. Ivette Rosario, Summer Custodian, Districtwide, $10.00/hour, 6/4/18-8/24/18
VIII.C.2.l. Demetrious Smith, Summer Custodian, Districtwide, $10.00/hour, 6/4/18-8/24/18
VIII.C.2.m. Isabelle Ulloa, Summer Custodian, Districtwide, $10.00/hour, 6/4/18-8/24/18
VIII.C.2.n. Kathleen Voss, Summer Custodian, Districtwide, $10.00/hour, 6/4/18-8/24/18
VIII.C.2.o. Richard Egan, Summer Custodian, Districtwide, $10.00/hour, 6/4/18-8/24/18
VIII.C.3. Leave of Certified Personnel
VIII.C.3.a. Laura Zablocki, 6th Grade Teacher, GWMS, 8/27/18-11/13/18
VIII.C.3.b. Mia Luciano, 3rd Grade Teacher, Costello, (approx.) 9/23/18 - 11/20/18
VIII.C.3.c. Gina Vlantis, 1st Grade Teacher, Home, (approx.) 8/27/18 - 12/21/18
VIII.C.3.d. Susan Stepaniak, 8th Grade Resource Teacher, GWMS, SY 2018-2019
VIII.C.4. Approval of Resignation
VIII.C.4.a. Aleasa Green, ESL Teacher, Home, 6/1/18
VIII.C.4.b. Elena Moreno, Pre-School Aide, 6/1/18
VIII.C.4.c. Deborah Ruiz, Human Resource Assistant, 6/30/18
VIII.C.4.d. Lekish Vega, District Nurse, 6/1/18
IX. Discussion
IX.A. School Supply List
IX.B. Architectural, Engineering and Project Management Services regarding Parking Lot and Playground Improvements at District Schools
X. Action Items
X.A. SY 2018-19 Breakfast and Lunch Fees
X.B. SY 2018-19 Student Fees
X.C. Conversion of 10 Month Custodial Positions to 12 Month Positions
X.D. Reciprocal Reporting Intergovernmental Agreement-McCook
X.E. Reciprocal Reporting Intergovernmental Agreement - Brookfield
X.F. Prevailing Wage Adoption
X.G. Copier Paper Bid - School Year 2018-2019
X.H. Student Handbook - School Year 2018-2019
X.I. Frontline Time & Attendance Agreement
X.J. Interactive Board Proposal
X.K. Purchase of Elevate Science Curriculum
X.L. Policy 6:240 Field Trips and Recreational Class Trips
X.M. Increase of 3.25% in Base Salary for Superintendent per Contract
X.N. Go Solutions Group, Inc. Renewal Agreement
X.O. Assistant Principal Full-Time Position at Lincoln School
X.P. Approval of ZPD+A Architectural, Engineering and Project Management Services regarding Parking Lot and Playground Improvements at District Schools
XI. Closed Session
The Board will go into Closed Executive Session to discuss employment, compensation, pending litigation, and performance of specific employees of the public body, pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1); and, collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, pursuant to Section 2(c)(2) of the Open meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2).
XII. Return to Open Session
XIII. Action Items
XIII.A. Payment to Lembke Hardware Store
XIII.B. Approval of Social Worker - GWMS
XIII.C. Amendment to Sherry Reynolds Whitaker Administrator's Employment Agreement
XIII.D. Contract Approval for GWMS Principal
XIII.E. District Case Manager Full-Time Position
XIV. Adjournment