June 25, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Public Hearing - Interfund Transfers
IV.A. Call to Order
IV.B. Roll Call
IV.C. Public Comment
IV.D. Discussion
IV.E. Adjourn Public Hearing
V. Reading of Communications
VI. Superintendent's Report
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Approval of Minutes
VIII.A.1. Committee of the Whole Minutes of May 14, 2018
VIII.A.2. Confidential Minutes of May 14, 2018
VIII.A.3. Regular Minutes of May 29, 2018
VIII.A.4. Confidential Minutes of May 29, 2018
VIII.B. Authorize Payment of Monthly Bills for June, 2018
VIII.B.1. Bill List June, 2018
VIII.B.2. Activity Funds June, 2018
VIII.C. Approval of Employment
VIII.C.1. Certified Personnel
VIII.C.1.a. Emily Alexander, Bilingual Teacher, Home, $45,077, 8/27/18
VIII.C.1.b. Chandler Ashbaugh, 4th Grade Teacher, Edison, $44,684, 8/27/18
VIII.C.1.c. Elaine Bennington, Music Teacher, Robinson, $43,609.08, 8/27/18
VIII.C.1.d. Sofia Carmona, Bilingual Teacher, Home, $51,937, 8/27/18
VIII.C.1.e. Justin Meyer, Special Education Teacher, GWMS, $47,020, 8/2718
VIII.C.1.f. Evelyn Nunez, Bilingual Teacher, Robinson, $47,502.65, 8/27/18
VIII.C.1.g. Jeremy Reed, Math Interventionist, Home, $48,602, 8/27/18
VIII.C.1.h. Suzanne Smith, Gifted Teacher, Districtwide, $48,602, 8/27/18
VIII.C.2. Support Personnel
VIII.C.2.a. Monica Espinosa, Breakfast Aide, Edison, $9.30/hr, 6/4/18-6/14/18
VIII.C.2.b. Gloria Reynosa, Primary Special Ed Aide, Edison, $11.57/hr, 6/25/18 - August
VIII.C.3. Leave of Certified Personnel
VIII.C.3.a. Ashley Garcia, Lincoln, 5th Grade Teacher, 11/27/18-3/6/19 (approx.)
VIII.C.4. Approval of Resignation
VIII.C.4.a. Christina Antosiak, K-5 Music Teacher, Edison, 6/1/18
VIII.C.4.b. Amanda Grochowski, Special Education Teacher, GWMS, 6/1/18
IX. Discussion
IX.A. Village of Lyons 4th of July Parade
X. Board Reports
X.A. First Reading of Policy
X.A.1. Policy 5:186 Staff Dress Code Policy
XI. Action Items
XI.A. Approval of Resolution to Effect Interfund Transfers
XI.B. Approval of Student Handbook - School Year 2018-2019
XI.C. Approval of Caring School Community Pilot (Edison School)
XII. Closed Session
The Board will go into Closed Executive Session to discuss employment, compensation, and performance of specific employees of the public body, pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1); and, collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, pursuant to Section 2(c)(2) of the Open meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2).
XIII. Return to Open Session
XIV. Action Items
XIV.A. Approval of Employment Agreement for Home School Principal
XIV.B. Approval of Employment Agreement for Curriculum Consultant
XIV.C. Approval of Employment Agreement for Director of Student Services
XV. Adjournment