January 8, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular / Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call: __Burke __Hennen __Pauly __Pedersen __Vogel __Vollbrecht
Please use the attached Meeting-Mileage Claim form for all reimbursements.
Note: As of 1/1/18, the mileage reimbursement rate is 54.5 cents / mile.
4. Consideration of Agenda
5. Jordan Pride Awards
Boys and Girls Cross Country
Football |
6. Public Comments
Other than Agenda items (Limit 30 minutes, 5 minutes per speaker). During the public comment part of each regular board meeting, up to 30 minutes of time will be allowed for district constituents to address the board. Each person may have up to 5 minutes of time to speak. This is a time of "listening" by the school board. The board is here to listen only and will not take action or discuss topics brought forward during the open forum. It may, at is discretion, ask questions for clarification of issues. The board may, if it deems appropriate, bring said issues forward at a subsequent meeting. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS WILL BE ALLOWED. The open forum is the only opportunity for members of the audience to speak out during the meeting. Please attach form and follow the guidelines for presenting your topic.
7. Student School Board Member
Autumn Sivilay will be welcomed by the board as the District's first student school board representative.
8. Organizational Meeting - Officers & Committees
8.1. Organization of the Board
8.2. Board Calendar
9. Consensus Items
9.1. Minutes
9.2. Monthly Finance Reports
9.3. Donations
9.4. Policies
9.4.1. 299: Student School Board Representative - 2nd Reading
9.5. Contract Renewal - Head Tennis Coach - Jill Bailey
9.6. Contract Renewal - B Squad Tennis Coach - Bryan Martin
9.7. Contract Renewal - Head Volleyball Coach - Mary Bright
9.8. Contract Renewal - B Squad Volleyball Coach - Karli Vandeputte
9.9. Contract Renewal - C Squad Volleyball Coach - Heather Davis
9.10. Contract Renewal - 8th Grade Volleyball Coach - Kelley Walerius
9.11. Contract Renewal - 7th Grade Volleyball Coach - Ashley Hyatt
9.12. Contract Renewal - Head Cross Country Coach - Ben Nylander
9.13. Contract Renewal - Junior High Cross Country Coach - Hollie Penney
9.14. Contract Renewal - Head Boys Soccer Coach - Jesus Camacho Ruiz
9.15. Contract Renewal - Fall Weight Room - Drew Sinke
9.16. Contract Renewal - Cheerleading Co-Head Coach - Beverly VanSoest
9.17. Contract Renewal - Cheerleading Co-Head Coach - Alex Bourdeaux
9.18. Contract Renewal - Fall Play Director - Tony Rydberg
9.19. Contract Renewal - Fall Play Assistant - Josh Barnd
9.20. New Hire - ES Lunchroom Supervisor - Mary Pauly
9.21. New Hire - Technology Support Assistant - Garrett DeWeese
9.22. Contract Approval - Technology Support Assistant - Garrett DeWeese
9.23. Contract Approval - Communications, Marketing, and Events Director - Katherine Pass
Contract Provisions:
Title Change to "Director" Increase in salary year 1 of $10,479 as a correction to match director level position. Ms. Pass handles a lot of graphic components and was largely responsible for major projects including Planit Jordan development components, Infinite Campus tutorials, and the entire new website saving the district a great deal of money by doing the projects "in house." Second year increase of 3%. Technology stipend was added and minor changes in vacation and other provisions to be consistent with director level positions in the district. |
9.24. Review and Act on Building Administrative Assistant Contract
Settlement Provisions Include:
Title Change from "Building Secretaries" to "Building Administrative Assistants" Salary Schedule Improvement of 2% per year Insurance Increase from $3,000 to $4,150 for 10 month employees and from $3,000 to $5,100 for 12 month employees
9.25. Review and Act on EMJ Contract
In addition to the contract, you will find a "red-lined" document which outlines the changes to the contract. The total settlement represents 7.41% over two years.
10. Action Items
10.1. Review and Act on School Board Member Resignation - Bob Malz
10.2. Review and Act on Process to Appoint School Board Member - Replacement for Bob Malz
10.3. Review and Act on Donation Resolution
10.4. Review and Act on School Calendar 2018-19
10.5. Review and Act on Contract Renewal - 7th/8th Grade Tennis Coach - Rachel Vollbrecht
Note: This is an action item due to a conflict of interest with a board member.
11. Board and Administrative Reports
11.2. HS Principal's Report
11.3. MS Principal's Report
11.4. ES Principal's Report
11.5. Activities Director's Report
11.6. Director of Teaching and Learning / District Wide Assistant Principal's Report
11.7. Community Education Director's Report
11.8. Communications, Marketing, and Event Coordinator's Report
11.9. Nutritional Services Director's Report
11.10. Special Services Director's Report
11.11. Technology Director's Report
11.12. Facilities Director's Report
11.13. School Board Member Reports / Committee Reports
12/14/17: Negotiations
12/18/17: Curriculum and Technology 1/4/18: Calendar Committee 1/8/18: Policy Committee |
12. Board and Superintendent Comments
13. Adjourn