July 13, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Consideration of Agenda
4. Roll Call: __Burke __Hennen __Malz __Pauly __Pedersen __Vogel __Vollbrecht
Please use the attached revised Meeting-Mileage Claim form for all future reimbursements.
5. Public Comments
Other than Agenda items (Limit 30 minutes, 5 minutes per speaker). During the public comment part of each regular board meeting, up to 30 minutes of time will be allowed for district constituents to address the board. Each person may have up to 5 minutes of time to speak. This is a time of "listening" by the school board. The board is here to listen only and will not take action or discuss topics brought forward during the open forum. It may, at is discretion, ask questions for clarification of issues. The board may, if it deems appropriate, bring said issues forward at a subsequent meeting. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS WILL BE ALLOWED. The open forum is the only opportunity for members of the audience to speak out during the meeting. Please attach form and follow the guidelines for presenting your topic.
6. Consensus Items
6.1. Minutes
6.2. Expense Reports
The expense reports from March, April, and May 2015 were reviewed at the 6/22/15 Workshop Meeting.
6.3. Donations
6.4. Policies
6.4.1. 427 Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers - 1st Reading
Note: This is a new mandatory policy. Use of MSBA policy with changes is recommended.
6.4.2. 516 Student Medication - 1st Reading
Note: Use of MSBA policy with changes is recommended.
6.4.3. 524 Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy - 1st Reading
Note: Use of MSBA policy with changes is recommended. 2015 revision per request from Carol Lagergren and Stephen Damlo.
6.4.4. 530 Immunization Requirements - 1st Reading
Note: Use of MSBA policy with changes is recommended.
6.4.5. 601 School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals - 1st Reading
Note: Use of MSBA policy with changes is recommended.
6.4.6. 616 School District System Accountability - 1st Reading
Note: Use of MSBA policy with changes is recommended.
6.4.7. 206 Public Participation - 3rd and Final Reading
Note: Use of MSBA policy with changes is recommended
6.4.8. 406 Personnel Data - 3rd and Final Reading
Note: Use of MSBA policy with changes is recommended
6.4.9. 503 Student Attendance - 3rd and Final Reading
Note: Current 717 policy to be used because it reflects changes made in 2014 to address specific 717 issues. One change under Legal references
6.4.10. 504 Student Dress and Appearance - 3rd and Final Reading
Note: Use of MSBA policy with changes is recommended.
6.4.11. 607 Organization of Grade Levels - 3rd and Final Reading
6.4.12. 611 Home Schooling - 3rd and Final Reading
6.5. Resignation - 8th Grade Volleyball Coach - Elizabeth O'Malley
6.6. Resignation - 1st Grade Teacher - Rochelle Gleixner/Konerza
6.7. Resignation - RTI Math and Reading Teacher - Alyssa Reardon
6.8. Resignation - 4th Grade Teacher - Rebeka Flynn
6.9. New Hire - Spanish Teacher - Kaia Halbritter
6.10. New Hire - Counselor - Chelsea Weierke
6.11. MSBA Membership Renewal
7. Action Items
7.1. Review and Act on 2015-16 Activities Handbook
7.2. Review and Act on 2015-16 JES Parent / Student Handbook
7.3. Review and Act on 2015-16 JMS Parent / Student Handbook
7.4. Review and Act on 2015-16 JHS Revised Parent / Student Handbook
7.5. Review and Act on Health and Safety Budget Summary and Policy Review
7.6. Review and Act on 1:1 Student Device Insurance Proposal
Upon the Board review and approval of an insurance plan, the appropriate documents will be prepared for our online "PLANIT" Jordan site and for the distribution process.
7.7. Review and Act on 1:1 Student Device Lease Agreement
7.8. Review and Act on 'Resolution Relating to the Election of School Board Members and Calling the School District General Election'
8. Board and Administrative Reports
8.1. Superintendent's Report
Building and Grounds Projects Update Negotiations Update Communications Committee - Need to set meeting date for upcoming year's topics/agenda items Upcoming Board Committee Meetings - Facilities Committee on July 14th at 1:00 PM in the CERC's Fitness Room No Board Meeting on July 27th |
9. Board and Superintendent Comments
10. Adjourn