May 23, 2022 at 5:15 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Certify Agenda
3. Opening Prayer
4. Pledge of Allegiance to U.S. and Texas Flags
5. Open Forum for Public Comment
6. Action Item:
6.A. Consider action to certify and approve the 2022-2023 Allotment and TEKS Certification Form in accordance with TEC 31.04.
6.B. Consider minutes for May 9, 2022 and May 13, 2022
6.C. Consider approval of new desks, classroom chairs and tables from Hertz Furniture for High School campus.
6.D. Discussion and possible action to retain attorneys and consultants to assist Mount Vernon ISD in the review and processing of Applications for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property, Texas Tax Code § 313.
a. Lupinus Solar I, LLC b. Lupinus Solar II, LLC |
6.E. Discussion and possible action to accept Applications for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property, pursuant to Texas Tax Code § 313; authorize the Superintendent of Schools to review the Application for completeness and submit the Application to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts; and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to approve any request for extension of the deadline for Board action beyond the 150-day Board review period, as may be required.
a. Lupinus Solar I, LLC b. Lupinus Solar II, LLC |
7. Information Item:
7.A. Acknowledgement of Confilct-of-Interest Policies BBFA (LEGAL) and (LOCAL) in connection with Applications for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property, Texas Tax Code § 313.
a. Lupinus Solar I, LLC b. Lupinus Solar II, LLC |
7.B. The next scheduled Regular Board Meeting will be June 16.
8. Personnel Report
8.A. Professional Contracts as Approved by the Superintendent
9. Convene to Closed Session for Personnel Matters pursuant to Texas Government Code Section § 551.074.
9.A. Discuss commercial or financial information regarding business prospects with which Mount Vernon ISD may conduct economic development negotiations pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.087.
9.B. Consult with legal counsel, as necessary, to address legal concerns, implications and questions regarding the posted agenda items pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071.
9.C. Consult with Legal Counsel Regarding Discussion of Covid Recovery Compensation Plan
10. Adjourn