December 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Citizen Input
IV. Celebrations
IV.(1) Teacher and Staff Members of the Month
IV.(2) CHEF Special Recognition/GO BIG RED
V. Consent Agenda
V.(1) Minutes of Previous Meetings
V.(2) Financial Report
V.(3) Utilites Report
V.(4) Food Service Report
V.(5) Disbursements Report
V.(6) Investment Report
V.(7) Budget Amendments
V.(8) Purchase above $25,000
V.(9) Disposal
VI. Administration Reports
VI.(1) Superintendent
VI.(1)1. Enrollment Report
VI.(1)2. Overnight Trips
VI.(1)3. Resignation(s)
VI.(1)4. New Hire(s)
VI.(1)5. Long Range Planning
VI.(1)6. First Read Update 122
VI.(1)7. TASB Policy DK(LOCAL)
VI.(1)8. TASB Policy Review
VI.(1)9. Chapel Hill ISD Police Department Annual Profiling Report
VI.(2) Miscellaneous
VI.(2)1. Fine Arts
VII. Action Items
VII.(1) Consider/Approve Resolution of the Board to Employ or Accept as Volunteers Chaplains
VII.(2) Consdier/Approve Creating Stronger Connections Grant Program Director Certified Position
VII.(3) Consider/Approve Purchase/Vendor above $25,000
VII.(4) Consider/Approve Superintendent Authority for Hiring
VIII. Closed Session
VIII.(1) Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of public officers, including school board members or employees - (TEXAS GOV'T CODE 551.074)
IX. Action from Closed Session
IX.(1) Discuss, consider, and take any necessary action related to the appointment, employment, evaluation reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers, including school board members or employees - (TEXAS GOV'T CODE 551.074)
X. Future Topics
X.(1) Superintendent Evaluation Instrument/Process
X.(2) January Meeting
X.(3) Annual Financial Audit and First Report
XI. Adjournment