January 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. PUBLIC HEARING: Presentation of the Christoval ISD Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas, (FIRST) report.
2. PUBLIC HEARING: Christoval ISD method of instruction/curriculum for human sexuality.
3. Recognition of CISD Board of Trustees: School Board Appreciation Month
4. Roll Call
5. Invocation
6. Pledge of Allegiance
7. Public Comment
8. Consent Agenda
8.a) Consider meeting minutes not previously approved
8.b) Enrollment Report
8.c) Approval of Statement/Payment/Leger of Current Bills Report
9. Discuss/Approve the Christoval ISD Financial Integrity Rating (FIRST) report.
10. Discuss/Approve school audit revision per EDE & Company, LLC.
11. DIscuss/Approve Early Resignation Incentive.
12. Discuss/Approve nominations for a vacant position with the Tom Green County Appraisal Board.
13. Athletic Director's Report
14. Principals' Reports
15. Business Manager's Report
16. Superintendent's Report
16.a) Logo Report
16.b) School Calendar Drafts
17. Executive Session
17.a) Personnel/Staffing
17.b) Resignations
18. Decisions on Executive Session
18.a) Superintendent Evaluation and Contract
19. Adjourn