September 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Volleyball and Cross Country Team Introductions.
3. Prayer
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Public Comment
6. Consent Agenda
6.a) Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes dated August 24, 2022.
6.b) Enrollment Report
6.c) Approval of Statement/Payment/Ledger of Current Bill Report
6.d) Business Managers Finance Report
7. Athletic Director's Report
8. Principals' Reports
9. Consider/Approve Certification of Unopposed Candidate for the November 2022 Christoval ISD Board of Trustees Election.
10. Consider/Approve Order of Canellation for the November 2022 Christoval ISD Board of Trustees Election.
11. Consider/Approve Clint Askins and Becky Seale as Investment Officers for Christoval ISD, 2022-23.
12. Consider/Approve John Choate, Tambra Hollway and Carla Barron as Teacher Appraisers for the 2022-23 school year.
13. Consider/Approve a 5% midpoint salary increase for auxiliary staff to include cafeteria and custodial employees.
14. Superintendent's Report
14.a) Travel Arrangements for TASA/TASB Convention September 23-25.
14.b) Custodial
14.c) High School Portable
14.d) Board District Passes
14.e) ID Badges for 6-12 Students and K-12 Staff.
14.f) Region 15 Tax Rate Info
15. Closed Session: 1. Consider Employee/Personnel Matters under Texas Government Code §551.074: a) Personnel Employee Contracts b) Professional Vacancies c) Consider Superintendent Recommendations re: employment of professional employees
16. Open Session
17. Consider items discussed in closed session
18. Adjourn