June 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Introduce Proposed Teacher Candidates for Hire
5. Information on Charity Benefits in place for Theroux Family
6. Public Comment
7. Consent Agenda
7.a) Consider meeting minutes not previously approved.
8. Consider a Resolution Calling the Remaining Portion of the Christoval Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2010 for Redemption Prior to Maturity.
9. Discussion and consideration of a resolution to authorize the Superintendent to execute and file applications for a water right amendment and for a temporary water right with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
10. Update on current and future capital improvement projects, grant applications, and possible consideration on items relating to this topic
11. Discussion on COVID-19 virus updates, related school operations, and consideration of motions requiring Board actions.
12. Consider and take appropriate action on resolution regarding grading procedures during school closure.
13. Consider 2020-21 Staff Pay Scale
14. Superintendent's Report
15. Business Manager's Report
16. Consider Budget Amendments
17. Principals' Reports
18. Athletic Director's Report
19. Closed Session: 1. Consider Employee/Personnel Matters under Texas Government Code ยง551.074: a) Personnel Employee Contracts b) Professional Vacancies c) Consider Superintendent Recommendations re: employment of professional employees
20. Open Session
21. Consider items discussed in closed session
22. Adjourn