June 11, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Introduction of Teacher Candidates
5. Public Hearing Regarding Rescinding Local Optional Homestead Exemption
6. Public Comment
7. Discussion on Property Values, Wind turbines, and 313 Agreements with MoakCasey representative and Tom Green County Senior Appraiser
8. Consider and possibly take action on Local Optional Homestead Exemption
10. Record of SHAC (School Health Advisory Council) Minutes of the 2013-2014 School Year
11. Business Manager's Report
Mrs. Teena Buie
12. Budget Amendments
13. Athletic Director's Report
Coach Justin Taylor
14. Principals' Report
Mrs. Tracy Knighton, Elementary Principal and Mr. John Choate, HS/MS Principal
15. Superintendent's Report
Dr. David R. Walker
15.a) Enrollment on last day of school and Average Daily Attendance Ending for the 2013-2014 School Year
15.b) MoakCasey and Tom Green County Appraisal District
15.c) Future Meeting Dates
16. Consider and possibly take action on Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct, Extracurricular Code of Conduct, and Employee Handbook
17. Closed Session a) Discussion on security devices, safety Program/Risk Management: Emergency Plans, and training b) Personnel - teacher candidates for vacancies and update
18. Open Session a) consider and possibly take action on Agreement for Professional Services b) consider and possibly take action on extending professional contracts to teacher candidates
19. Adjourn