June 11, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Recognition - Destination Imagination Winners (6:30 p.m. at Kipling School MPR)
2. Call to Order (7:00 p.m. at the District Center)
3. Approval of Meeting Agenda
4. Superintendent's Report
5. Recognition
5.1. 2018 Excellence in Character Winners
5.2. Shepard Track & Field Athletes State Qualifiers
5.3. Shepard Wrestling State Qualifiers
6. Teacher Presentation from Kipling School, 2nd Grade Student EdCamp
7. Community Participation Relative to Matters on the Meeting Agenda (Policy 2:230)
We welcome your comments and questions and give them serious consideration. The first community participation is solely for comments about matters on this agenda. Before you deliver your comment, please identify yourself and state the agenda item to which your comment is directed. The second community participation period is for comments about any matter. Please limit the length of all comments to no more than two (2) minutes.
8. Informational Items
8.1. Preliminary 2018-19 Budget (Policy 4:10)
8.2. Freedom of Information Requests (Policy 2:250)
8.3. Final Master Facility Plan (Policy 4:150)
9. Action Items
9.1. Approval of Meeting Minutes
9.1.1. Regular Meeting Minutes of May 21, 2018*
9.1.2. Closed Session Meeting Minutes of May 21, 2018
9.2. Consent Agenda*
9.2.1. Approval of Amended Regular Meeting Minutes from April 23, 2018* (Policy 2:220)
9.2.2. Personnel*
| Resignations/Retirements* (Policy 5:210)
| Leave of Absence* (Policy 5:250)
| Employment of Certified Staff* (Policy 5:200)
| Employment of Educational Support Staff* (Policy 5:280)
| Employment of At-Will Staff* (Policy 5:270)
9.2.3. Bills for Payment* (Policy 4:80)
9.2.4. Treasurer's Report - May 2018 (Policy 4:30)
9.2.5. Open Closed Session Meeting Minutes: November 13, 2017, January 22, 2018, February 13, 2018, February 26, 2018, March 12, 2018 *
9.3. Annual Bank Depository Approval (Policy 4:30)
9.4. Annual Resolution for Serious Safety Hazards (Policy 4:110)
9.5. Resolution Authorizing Adoption of the Prevailing Wage
9.6. Designation of Interest (Policy 4:30)
9.7. Request to Dispose, Sell or Recycle Surplus Goods (Policy 4:80)
9.8. Recommendation to Accept Donations (Policy 8:80)
10. Committee Reports (Policy 2:150)
11. Open Community Participation (Policy 2:230)
12. Board/Superintendent Other
13. Closed Session**(Policy 2:200)
13.1. Discuss the placement of individual students in special education programs and
other matters relating to individual students. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10). |
13.2. Discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1))
14. Adjournment