February 10, 2020 at 7:30 PM - REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
______________ (time)
_____ Kim Bolz-Andolshek _____ Mike Erholtz _____ Curt Johnson _____ Derrek Johnson _____ Susan Mathison-Young _____ Dena Moody _____ Tracy Wallin _____ Chris Lindholm |
2. Approval of Agenda
Moved by ___________________, seconded by___________________ to approve the agenda as presented / amended. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
3. District Recognitions
-- HRS Level 1 Certification - High School & Eagle View
-- School Board Recognition Week, February 17-21 |
4. Reports and Information Items
4.a. Student Council Report
4.b. Superintendent Report
5. Consent Agenda
(Although board action is required, all items listed are considered to be routine and will be acted on by one motion, with no separate discussion. In the event a board member wishes to discuss an item, that item will be moved for separate consideration.)
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve consent agenda items, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
5.a. Past Meeting Minutes
-- January 6, 2020 - reorganizational / regular meeting
-- January 13, 2020 - retreat -- February 3, 2020 - work session |
5.b. Personnel Updates
5.c. Bills Paid
-- Accounts Paid in the amount of $2,178,504.63
6. Action Items
6.a. Resolution Approving Execution of Purchase Agreement and Lease Agreement - 4285 West Lake Street, Pequot Lakes, MN
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to adopt the resolution approving the execution of a Purchase Agreement and Lease Agreement for 4285 West Lake Street, Pequot Lakes, MN, as presented. Roll Call: ___Kim Bolz-Andolshek ___Mike Erholtz ___Curt Johnson ___ Derrek Johnson ___Susan Mathison-Young ___Dena Moody ___Tracy Wallin Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
6.b. FY21 Budget Parameters
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the FY21 budget parameters, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote.
6.c. Request to Add 1.0 FTE Elementary Teaching Position
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the addition of a 1.0 FTE elementary teaching position for the 2020-2021 school year, due to increased enrollment. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
6.d. Request to Add 1.0 FTE School Readiness / Interventionist Position
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the addition of a 1.0 FTE School Readiness / Interventionist position for the 2020-21 school year, due to increased enrollment. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
6.e. Donations
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to accept donations, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
6.e.1) District Accounts
7. Announcements and Meeting Dates
7.a. Meeting Dates
7.b. Other Announcements
8. Adjournment
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to adjourn. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. The meeting was adjourned at __________ p.m. |