September 18, 2017 at 6:00 PM - REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
______________ (time) _____ Brandon Andersen _____ Kim Bolz-Andolshek _____ Mike Erholtz _____ Curt Johnson _____ Derrek Johnson _____ Susan Mathison-Young _____ Valarie Wallin _____ Chris Lindholm |
2. Approval of Agenda
Moved by ___________________, seconded by___________________ to approve the agenda as presented / amended. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
3. District Recognitions
- Football Team - Oustanding Sportsmanship
- District Special Education Staff - 100% compliance-MDE monitoring - New 2017-18 Staff Eagle View: • Rachel Gerhartz - 2nd Grade Teacher • Melissa Kjonaas - Paraprofessional • Mary Jo Litke - ECFE Parent Educator • Peggy Norman - ECFE Parent Educator • Joanna Palmer - Paraprofessional (EC) • Sarah Savino - Paraprofessional (EC) • Valerie Stenger - Paraprofessional Middle School: • Toni Nelson - Special Education High School: • Katrina Moody - Math Teacher • Megan Tank - English Teacher District-wide: • Robin Golden - School Nurse • Heidi Hagen - Business Manager • Marjorie Kirsling - Custodian • Stacy Koch - Cooks Helper • Roger LaPointe - Bus Driver • Bruce Ruikka - Bus Driver • Laurie Theis - Community Ed Secretary • Nicki Triebenbach - Cooks Helper
4. Reports and Information Items
4.a. Student Council Report
4.b. Superintendent Report
4.c. Middle School Improvement Plan - Mike O'Neil, MS Principal
5. Consent Agenda
(Although board action is required, all items listed are considered to be routine and will be acted on by one motion, with no separate discussion. In the event a board member wishes to discuss an item, that item will be moved for separate consideration.)
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve consent agenda items, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
5.a. Past Meeting Minutes
-- August 21, 2017 - Regular Meeting
5.b. Personnel Updates
5.c. Bills Paid
-- Accounts Paid in the amount of $594,180.37
5.d. Treasurer Report
5.e. Policies with Legislative Changes
(Policies 620 and 903 have been revised and reflect new policy requirements from the 2017 Minnesota Legislature. If a policy is modified because of a legal change over which the school board has no control, the modified policy may be approved at one meeting at the discretion of the school board.)
6. Action Items
6.a. Certify 2017 Payable 2018 Preliminary Levy
(We are required to approve a preliminary levy at our September board meeting. This is a "preliminary" levy and the levy totals will change between now and December when we are required to approve the "final" levy. It is the recommendation to approve the "maximum" levy at this time. This language simply means that as the levy changes with updates from the State, we will be able to adjust to those changes. This "maximum" language is what we have used in past years to approve a preliminary levy.)
Option 1: Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to certify the maximum preliminary levy for 2017 payable in 2018 as calculated by the Department of Education. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. Option 2: Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to certify the maximum preliminary levy for 2017 payable in 2018 as calculated by the Department of Education for all levies except Local Optional Revenue which will be certified at $325 per pupil. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote.
6.b. Set Truth in Taxation Public Meeting
(This public meeting must be held between the dates of November 24, 2017, and December 29, 2017. The recommendation is to set the Truth in Taxation public meeting for 6:00 p.m. Monday, December 18, 2017. The regular meeting will follow beginning at 6:30 p.m.)
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to set the Truth in Taxation public meeting to be held Monday, December 18, 2017, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
6.c. Donations - District Accounts
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to accept donations, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote.
7. Announcements and Meeting Dates
7.a. Donations - Student Activity Fund Accounts
7.b. Other Announcements
7.c. Meeting Dates
8. Closed Session
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to close the meeting at _____________ p.m. for negotiations planning for EMPL-Teachers and Local 284 groups. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
8.a. Negotiations Planning - EMPL-Teachers
8.b. Negotiations Planning - Local 284
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to reopen the meeting at _____________ p.m. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
9. Adjournment
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to adjourn. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. The meeting was adjourned at __________ p.m. |