February 8, 2016 at 7:00 PM - REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
(Kim Bolz-Andolshek will be attending the meeting remotely from: Hilton San Diego Mission Valley lobby 901 Camino del Rio South, San Diego, California)
______________ (time) _____ Brandon Andersen _____ Kim Bolz-Andolshek _____ Mike Erholtz _____ Curt Johnson _____ Derrek Johnson _____ Susan Mathison-Young _____ Valarie Wallin _____ Chris Lindholm |
2. Approval of Agenda
Moved by ___________________, seconded by___________________ to approve the agenda as presented / amended. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
3. District Recognitions
• School Board Recognition Week - February 15-19
4. Reports and Information Items
4.a. Student Council Report
4.b. Superintendent Report
5. Consent Agenda
(Although board action is required, all items listed are considered to be routine and will be acted on by one motion, with no separate discussion. In the event a board member wishes to discuss an item, that item will be moved for separate consideration.)
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve consent agenda items, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
5.a. Past Meeting Minutes
-- January 11, 2016 - Reorganizational / Regular Meeting
-- January 25, 2016 - Board Retreat
5.b. Personnel Changes
5.c. Bills Paid
-- Accounts Paid in the amount of $410,269.05
5.d. Treasurer Report
5.e. Pay Equity Implementation Report
5.f. Request for Proposals - Sanitation Services
(Our one-year contract with Nisswa Sanitation ends on June 30th.)
5.g. MSHSL Representatives - Marc Helmrichs (School) / Brandon Andersen (School Board)
5.h. 2015-16 Community Education Advisory Council Members
6. Action Items
6.a. Robotics Program
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the High School Robotics Team fundraising and advertising proposal. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote.
6.b. Verizon Lease Agreement
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the Verizon lease agreement, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
6.c. Resolution to Authorize Partnership with Region Five for the Development of the Solar Schools Project
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ISD 186 - PEQUOT LAKES SCHOOLS TO PARTNER WITH REGION FIVE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOLAR SCHOOLS PROJECT WHEREAS, Pequot Lakes School District #186 agreed to participate in an application by the Region Five Development Commission to the RDF grant program through Xcel Energy in April 2013 that would support installation of 1,493 kilowatts of solar energy on eight school buildings in Baxter, Brainerd, Pequot Lakes, Pine River (3), Royalton and on the Leech Lake Reservation, and WHEREAS, a grant was recently offered to Region Five from Xcel Energy based on this earlier application, and WHEREAS, the Pequot Lakes School District #186 intends to proceed with the project, and agrees to provide information as requested and be a partner with Region Five Development Commission for the development of these solar energy projects, and WHEREAS, the above mentioned school district commits $5,000 in non-refundable, pre-engineering and planning funds to assist in execution of the necessary grant agreement with Xcel Energy, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pequot Lakes School District #186 authorizes the expenditure of $5,000 and hereby directs and authorizes staff to provide any information and execute any documents necessary for Region Five to enter into a grant agreement with Xcel Energy, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the superintendent of schools, as the official representative of Pequot Lakes School District #186, will be authorized to sign any necessary contracts or agreements and accept any award associated with this project, subject to further review and consideration by the Board of Education. Roll Call: ___Brandon Andersen ___Kim Bolz-Andolshek ___Mike Erholtz ___Curt Johnson ___Derrek Johnson ___Susan Mathison-Young ___Valarie Wallin |
6.d. 2016-17 School Calendar
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to adopt Draft ______ of the 2016-17 school calendar. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote.
6.e. 2015-17 Terms and Conditions of Employment for ISD #186 Van Drivers
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the 2015-2017 Terms and Conditions of Employment for ISD #186 Van Drivers. Motion carried/failed by a ____________ vote.
6.f. 2015-17 Terms and Conditions of Employment for ISD #186 Community Education Coordinators
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the 2015-2017 Terms and Conditions of Employment for ISD #186 Community Education Coordinators. Motion carried/failed by a ____________ vote.
6.g. 2015-17 Principals Master Agreement
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the 2015-2017 Master Agreement with the Pequot Lakes Principals Association. Motion carried/failed by a ____________ vote.
6.h. Donations
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to accept donations, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote.
7. Announcements and Meeting Dates
8. Adjournment
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to adjourn. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. The meeting was adjourned at __________ p.m. |