October 12, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Adjournment to Closed Meeting
Pursuant to IL Open Meetings Act. A closed session in accordance with the Illinois Open Meeting Act (5ILCS120/2c) will be necessary to consider one or more of the following subjects including, but not limited to: 120/2(c)(1) Employee appointments, employment, compensation, dismissals, complaints 120/2(c)(2) Negotiations 120/2(c)(3) Selection of a person to fill a public office 120/2(c)(5) Property Acquisition/Lease/Purchase 120/2(c)(8) Emergency Security Procedures 120/2(c)(9) Student Discipline 120/2(c)(10) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students 120/2(c)(11) Actual/Potential Litigation 120/2(c)(16) Self-Evaluation, practices and procedures or professional ethics when meeting with a representative of a statewide association of which the public body is a member 120/2(c)(21) Closed Meeting Minutes Discussion/Review
Motion & Roll Call Vote
3. Reconvene Open Meeting & Discipline Motions
4. Consent Agenda - Request to Approve
Note: Consent Agenda Items are routine, non-controversial matters and will be considered together and enacted by one motion and one roll call vote. Anyone desiring to remove an item for separate consideration should request to do so before approval of this consent agenda.
Motion & Roll Call Vote on Consent Agenda
4.A. Agenda Approval
4.B. Minutes of September 7, 2022: Regular Meeting; Closed Meeting
4.C. Minutes of September 16, 2022: Special Meeting
4.D. Minutes of September 21, 2022: Regular Meeting; Closed Meeting
4.E. Minutes of September 30, 2022: Special Meeting; Regular Meeting
4.F. Human Resources:
4.F.1) Regular Items: Employments, Employment Changes, Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements, Extracurricular Assignments/Changes
4.G. Treasurer's Report
4.H. Business/Finance:
4.H.1) Regular Items
4.H.2) Business/Finance:
4.H.2)a)(1) Education Fund $ 146,079.48
Food Service Fund $ 592.05 Operation/Maintenance Fund $ 115,054.25 Liability Fund $ 310,241.00 Fund Summary Total $ 571,968.78 |
4.H.2)a)(2) Payroll
Payroll dated September 23, 2022 in the net amount of $ 1,276,430.18 Payroll dated October 7, 2022 in the net amount of $ 1,286,448.19 Payroll Total $ 2,562,878.37 |
4.H.2)b) October, 2022 bills/checks from each fund - need BOARD approval
4.H.2)b)(1) Education Fund $ 775,815.89
Food Service Fund $ 16,900.43 Operations/Maintenance Fund $ 80,971.00 Transportation Fund $ 21,565.92 Liability Fund $ 31,631.96 Fund Summary Total $ 926,885.20 |
4.I. September 2022, Student Enrollment
4.J. Memorandum of Understanding between District #118 and CDI Head Start - Recommendation
4.K. Out-of-State Travel Field Trip Request
4.K.1) North Ridge Middle School Show Choir - Lafayette Jeff Xtreme Choir Showdown
Lafayette, IN
4.K.2) Danville High School Show Choir - DHS Show Choir 2023 Competitions
Ben Davis, IN Avon, IN Battle, MO
4.L. Illinois Freedom of Information Act - Request Received & Processed
5. Public Comments
6. Approval of Board Travel - Request approval of the Board of Education Members ( Dr. Randal Ashton, Shannon Schroeder, and Christopher Easton) travel expenses to the Joint Annual Conference, held in Chicago, Illinois, November 17-20, 2022. - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
7. Policies:
7.A. PRESS Policy Issue 109 - First Reading
8. Human Resources:
8.A. Memorandum of Agreement with the DEA - Non certified Staff - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
8.B. Dismissal of Educational Support Personnel for Reasons than Reducation in Force - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
9. Curriculum:
9.A. Purchase of Gale eBook Collections - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
10. Food Service:
10.A. District Participation in Northern Illinois Purchasing Corporation - Informational
11. Informational Items:
12. Superintendent/Board Comments
13. Adjournment
No motion necessary