August 25, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Adjournment to Closed Meeting
Pursuant to IL Open Meetings Act.
Motion & Roll Call Vote
3. Reconvene Open Meeting
4. Consent Agenda - Request to Approve
Note: Consent Agenda Items are routine, non-controversial matters and will be considered together and enacted by one motion and one roll call vote. Anyone desiring to remove an item for separate consideration should request to do so before approval of this consent agenda.
Motion & Roll Call Vote on Consent Agenda
4.A. Agenda Approval
4.B. Human Resources:
4.B.1) Regular Items: Employments, Employment Changes, Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements, Extracurricular Assignments/Changes
4.C. Business/Finance:
4.C.1)a) Education Fund $ 118,575.59
Food Service Fund $ 5,831.75 Operations/Maintenance Fund $ 87,069.31 Site & Construction Fund $ 333,438.30 Liability Fund $ 1,312.50 Fund Summary Total $ 546,227.45 |
4.C.1)b) Payroll
Payroll dated August 2, 2021 in the net amount of $ 1,748.48 Payroll dated August 6, 2021 in the net amount of $ 9,692.63 Payroll dated August 13, 2021 in the net amount of $ 1,102,396.18 Payroll total $ 1,113,837.29 |
4.C.2) August, 2021 bills/checks from each fund - need Board approval
4.C.2)a) Education Fund $ 851,666.12
Food Service Fund $ 1,075.85 Operations/Maintenance Fund $ 76,616.12 Liability Fund $ 1,890.00 Fund Summary Total $ 931,248.09 |
4.D. Modification of Application for Authority to Dispose of Local Records #84:326 to include records prior to and including 1943.
4.E. Illinois Freedom of Information Act - Request Received & Processed
5. Public Comments
6. Curriculum:
6.A. South View Upper Elementary Electives - First Reading
7. Business/Finance:
7.A. District 118 Property/Casualty Insurance - Recommendation
8. Food Service:
8.A. Produce Bid - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
8.B. Dairy Bid - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
8.C. Fresh Fruits Vegetable Grant - Informational
9. Technology:
9.A. Storage Area Network Server Upgrade - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
10. The following are items requested by 2 members of the Board of Education: Per Board Policy 2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure, paragraph 2, "When two board members submit an item to the Board President or the Superintendent seven days prior to the board meeting, the item will be added to the agenda."
Mr. Dobbles' & Mr. Henderson's Potential Amendment to the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Agreement - Proposed Changes - Recommendation
10.A. No employee's salary or benefits ratified as part of the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Agreement shall be lessened in the proposed amendment.
10.B. The TA and Sec/LRC beginning salary shall be increased in 2021-2022 and in 2022-2023. (See attached salary schedules.)
10.C. The Sec/LRC 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 salary schedules shall be revised to ensure that employees at the same experience level be paid the same daily rate regardless of the number of days worked (180-237). (See attached salary schedules.)
10.D. The 2021-2022 teacher salary schedule shall include a $2000 increase in the base salary. Plus, teachers will receive their step advancement on the salary schedule. The 2022-2023 teacher salary schedule shall include a $1640 increase in the base salary. Plus, teachers will receive their step advancement on the salary schedule. (See attached salary schedules.)
11. Informational Items:
12. Superintendent/Board Comments
13. Adjournment
No motion necessary