June 16, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Adjournment to Closed Meeting
Pursuant to IL Open Meetings Act.
Motion & Roll Call Vote
3. Reconvene Open Meeting
4. Consent Agenda - Request to Approve
Note: Consent Agenda Items are routine, non-controversial matters and will be considered together and enacted by one motion and one roll call vote. Anyone desiring to remove an item for separate consideration should request to do so before approval of this consent agenda.
Motion & Roll Call Vote on Consent Agenda
4.A. Agenda Approval
4.B. Human Resources:
4.B.1) Regular Items: Employments, Employment Changes, Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements, Extracurricular Assignments/Changes
4.C. Treasurer's Report
4.D. Business/Finance:
4.D.1) Regular Items
4.D.2) Business/Finance:
4.D.2)a)(1) Education Fund $ 285,273.80
Food Service Fund $ 29,028.22 Operations/Maintenance Fund $ 2.452.54 Fund Summary Fund $ 316,754.56 |
4.D.2)a)(2) Payroll
Payroll dated June 4, 2021 in the net amount of $ 1,524,798.89 Payroll dated June 8, 2021 in the net amount of $ 285.84 Payroll Total $ 1,525,084.73 |
4.D.2)b) June 2021, bills/checks from each fund - need Board approval
4.D.2)b)(1) Education Fund $ 845,271.32
Food Service Fund $ 11,618.52 Operation/Maintenance Fund $ 82,036.08 Transportation Fund $ 682,479.08 Liability Fund $ 46,041.26 Fund Summary Total $ 1,667,446.26 |
4.E. June 2021 Student Enrollment
4.F. 2021-2022 VASE Agreement
4.G. 2021 DHS Final Graduate List
5. Public Comments
6. Recognition of 2020-2021 District 118 Retirees
7. Discussion on Northeast Magnet School
8. Return to School Plan 2021-2022 - Part I
8.A. Return to In Person Instruction 2021-2022 School Year
8.A.1) ISBE Guidance - Review
8.A.2) Request to Authorize Dr. Geddis to develop a Remote Learning Program pursuant to 105ILCS 5/10-30, 102ILCS 5/34-18.66, 105ILCS 5/10 10-29, and 105ILCS 5/10 19.05(K)(4) - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
9. 2021-2022 Ownership in Education - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
10. Food Service:
10.A. Summer Meal Contract - YMCA- Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
10.B. Seamless Summer Meal Program - Summer School/Danville Housing Authority/Laura Lee - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
11. Building and Grounds
11.A. Health Life Safety (HLS) Report Submitted by Reifsteck - Reid, Architecture Firm - Review
12. Informational Items:
13. Superintendent/Board Comments
14. Adjournment
No motion necessary