May 27, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Adjournment to Closed Meeting - Pursuant to IL Open Meetings Act
3. Reconvene Open Meeting
Motion & Roll Call Vote
4. Consent Agenda - Request to Approve
Note: Consent Agenda Items are routine, non-controversial matters and will be considered together and enacted by one motion and one roll call vote. Anyone desiring to remove an item for separate consideration should request to do so before approval of this consent agenda.
Motion & Roll Call Vote on Consent Agenda
4.A. Agenda Approval
4.B. Minutes of April 8, 2020: Regular Meeting Minutes; Closed Minutes
4.C. Minutes of April 22, 2020: Regular Meeting; Closed Meeting
4.D. Minutes of May 13, 2020: Regular Meeting; Closed Meeting
4.E. Human Resources:
4.E.1) Regular Items: Employments, Employment Changes, Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements, Extracurricular Assignments/Changes
4.F. Business/Finance:
4.F.1) Regular Items
4.F.2)a) Education Fund $ 62,632.71
Food Service $ 31,302.29 Operations & Maintenance $ 10,796.88 Fund Summary Total $104,731.88 |
4.F.2)b) Payroll dated May 8, 2020 in the amount of $ 1,632.99
Payroll dated May 22, 2020 in the amount of $ 1,105,224.92 Payroll dated May 22, 2020 in the amount of $ 7,246.68 Payroll Total $ 1,114,104.59 |
4.F.3) May 2020 bills/checks from each fund - need Board approval
4.F.3)a) Education Fund $ 174,955.18
Food Service $ 2,565.48 Operations & Maintenance $ 7,246.68 Liability Fund $ 3,692.06 Fund Summary Total $ 265,102.26 |
5. Public CommentsThis meeting will include an opportunity for public comment. Any member of the public that would like to make a public comment, can submit their public comment via email to by 4:30 PM on May 27, 2020. Public comments submitted via email will be announced during the public comment portion of the meeting.
6. District 118 Readiness Assessment from One to One Institute- Informational
7. CARES Act ESSER Grant Funding
7.A. Requirements & Possibilities - Informational
7.A.1) Recommendation to use funding to meet One to One - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
8. District Update/Considerations based on most recent ISBE/State of Illinois guidance:
8.A. Remote Learning
8.B. New School Year 2020-2021
8.B.1) School Opening 3 Model Consideration Approach
8.B.2) Northeast Calendar
8.B.3) Traditional Calendar
8.B.4) Staffing
8.B.5) First Day Exclusion
8.C. Buildings and Grounds
8.D. Strategic Plan
8.E. Business/Finance
8.E.1) Debt Refinancing
9. Food Service:
9.A. Summer Food Service
9.A.1) Food Distribution Program
9.A.2) YMCA Agreement - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
10. Curriculum:
10.A. 2020 District 118 Summer School - Information
11. Special Education:
11.A. 2020-2021 Embrace Medicaid IEP Data Billing - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
12. Superintendent/Board Comments
13. Adjournment
No motion necessary