April 22, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Adjournment to Closed Meeting
Pursuant to IL Open Meetings Act:
Motion & Roll Call Vote
3. Reconvene Open Meeting
4. Consent Agenda - Request to Approve
Note: Consent Agenda Items are routine, non-controversial matters and will be considered together and enacted by one motion and one roll call vote. Anyone desiring to remove an item for separate consideration should request to do so before approval of this consent agenda.
Motion & Roll Call Vote on Consent Agenda
4.A. Agenda Approval
4.B. Minutes of April 8, 2020: Regular Meeting; Closed Meeting
4.C. Human Resources:
4.C.1) Regular Items: Employments, Employment Changes, Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements, Extracurricular Assignments/Changes
4.D. Business/Finance:
4.D.1)a) Education Fund $ 19,624.12
Operations & Maintenance Fund $ 12,648.33 Fund Summary Total $ 32,272.45 |
4.D.1)b) Payroll dated April 9, 2020 in the amount of $1,092,188.89
Payroll total $1,092,188.89 |
4.D.2) April 2020 bills/checks from each fund - need Board approval
4.D.2)a) Education Fund $ 273,314.02
Food Service Fund $ 39,872.01 Operations & Maintenance Fund $ 18,824.32 Transportation Fund $ 12,311.83 Liability Fund $ 10,095.00 Fund Summary Total $ 354,417.18 |
4.E. Budget Amendments and Transfers
4.F. April 2020 Student Enrollment
4.G. Illinois Freedom of Information Act - Requests Received & Processed
5. Public Comments
Due to the governor’s order and because of social distancing, we will be taking public comments by email. You may participate in the PublicComment section of the meeting by emailing your questions or comments to d118publiccomments@danville118.org today until the start of public comments on April 22, 2020. All public comments will be read out loud during the public comment portion of the meeting. |
6. Curriculum:
6.A. Sixth Grade Social Studies Textbook Adoption - Recommendation
Motion and Roll Call Vote
6.B. Update on Remote Learning
6.B.1) Parent concerns on the number of learning platforms being utilized
6.B.2) Confusion about the introduction of new content material
6.B.3) Assessment of staff participation
6.B.4) Interventions employed for the non-participating student/family
6.B.5) Statistics on student participation at all levels within the district
6.B.6) Grading criteria for student work
6.C. Possible development of e-learning (online classes) for first semester 2020-2021
6.D. Criteria for successful promotion to the next grade level
6.E. Discussion of future dates/plans for graduation
7. Human Resources:
7.A. Plans for honoring our retirees
7.B. Plans for student and teacher retrieval of personal belongings
7.C. Plans for employees returning to work in building (custodians, techs, business office, etc.)
8. Food Service:
8.A. Possibility of food distribution at South View, Mark Denman, Meade Park, or public housing
9. Budget for 202-2021
9.A. Potential impact of Corona Virus closures on state funding for 2020-2021
10. Informational Items:
11. Superintendent/Board Comments
12. Adjournment
No motion necessary