August 20, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Business Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only
IV. Business Agenda
IV.A. Administrative: Omnibus Vote Agenda Action
Approval of Minutes: Combined Meeting: 07/16/13 Executive Sessions: 07/16/13; 08/13/13 Committee Meeting: 08/13/13 Destruction of Audio Recordings: 01/10/12; 01/17/12 Treasurer's Report: 07/30/13 Pre-Approval of Payrolls: 08/30/13; 09/15/13 Approval of Current bills: $368,300.00
IV.B. Administrative: Resolution for School Choice Action
IV.C. Administrative: Resolution for Release of Executive Session Minutes Action
IV.D. Administrative: Resolution for Approval of Copier Lease Action
IV.E. Personnel: Approve New Hires Action
Ms. Jackie Fleming - Early Childhood Aide Ms. Jamie Fried - Grade 5 (long-term substitute) Ms. Karen Hahn - Secretary, Fairhaven Ms. Rachel Johnson - Dual Language, Grade 4 Ms. Allyson Smaller - Social Worker at Diamond Lake Ms. Elizabeth Stauffer - Reading Specialist at Fairhaven - Long Term Substitute Ms. Kim Vetter - Lunchroom Clerk, Diamond Lake Ms. Sarah Walter - Dual Language, Grade 2 Ms. Jennifer Jagla - Sp. E. aide Ms. Nicolette Becker - Sp. E. Aide Ms. Barb Cowart - Sp. Ed. Aide Ms. Alina Donik - Sp. E. Aide
IV.F. Personnel: Accept Resignations Action
Ms. Crawford - Grade 5 Ms. Jimenez - Dual Language, Grade 4 Ms. Garner - DLS, 1:1 Aide Ms. Hay - FH, Classroom Aide Mr. Millar - WO, 1:1 Aide Ms. Milligan - FH, 1:1 Aide Ms. Ward - DLS, Classroom Aide Mr. Bakrins - Psychologist
V. Superintendent / Assistant Superintendents' Reports
VI. Board Committee Updates
VII. Freedom of Information Requests (0)
VIII. Notices and Communications
IX. Public Comments and Petitions (Non-Agenda Items)
X. Others
XI. Adjournment