April 16, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Combined Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Student Recognition (30)
1. Presentation of Recognition Certificates 2. Reception for Students
IV. Adjourn for Reception
V. Reconvene Meeting in the West Oak Library
VI. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only
VII. Business Agenda (5)
VII.A. Omnibus Vote Agenda for 04/16/13
VII.A.1. Approval of Minutes
VII.A.1.a. Business Meeting 03/19/13
VII.A.1.b. Executive Session Minutes 03/19/13 (2 sessions)
VII.A.2. Destruction of Executive Session Audio Recording(s) for 09/13/11
VII.A.3. Treasurer's Report 03/31/13
VII.A.4. Approval of Payrolls
a. Pre-Approve Payroll for 04/30/13 * b. Pre-Approve Payroll for 05/15/13 * * Pre-Approval not to exceed $400,000.00 |
VII.A.5. Approval of Current Bills: $356,439.51
VII.B. Administrative: Approve Phone System - TIG (15)
VII.C. Personnel: Accept Letters of Resignation (5)
Ms. Wender - Fairhaven Aide, Effective 04/01/13
VII.D. Personnel: Approve Leaves of Absence (5)
Ms. Kuchler, Grade 7, LA - 2013/14 School Year Ms. Piland, Grade 6, LA Ms. Sharp, Student Support Specialist, DLOS - 09/16/13 - 10/29/13 Ms. Sibigtroth, PE / Health, WO- 08/19/13 - 09/27/13
VII.E. Approve Recommendation to Hire
Ms. Fuentes - ELL Classroom Aide - Start Date: 04/22/13
VIII. Superintendent / Business Manager Reports
VIII.A. Special Education - Leaders in Learning (15)
VIII.B. Summer School (5)
VIII.C. Food Revolution - Lindsey Shifley (15)
VIII.D. Library Grant Report (5)
IX. Principals' Reports (15)
X. Board Committee Updates
XI. Freedom of Information Requests (0)
XII. Notices and Communications
XIII. Public Comments and Petitions (Non-Agenda Items)
XIV. Others
XV. Executive Session - The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
XVI. Adjournment