May 22, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Establishment of Quorum
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Introduction of Guests
7. Public Comments
8. Consent Agenda
8.a. Minutes of the April 24, 2017, Board of Education Regular Meeting
8.b. Minutes of the April 25, 2017, Closed Session Meeting
8.c. Minutes of the April 27, 2017, Closed Session Meeting
8.d. Minutes of the May 1, 2017, Closed Session Meeting
8.e. Minutes of the May 8, 2017, Special Board of Education and Closed Session Meetings
8.f. Minutes of the May 11, 2017, Closed Session Meeting
8.g. Minutes of the May 15, 2017, Closed Session Meeting
8.h. Minutes of the May 26, 2017, Closed Session Meeting
8.i. School Activity Accounts
8.j. Transportation Account
8.k. Bills
8.l. April 2017 Treasurer's Report
9. Presentation(s) from the Floor
9.a. Strategic Plan Review - Administrative Team
9.b. Comprehensive Annual Report - Dr. Gildea
9.c. Recognition of Retirees - Dr. Gildea
10. Superintendent/Board Reports
10.a. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Gildea
10.b. Finance/Facility Committee - Jason Bonds, Chair
10.c. Policy and Communications Committee, Gabriela Whipple, Chair
10.d. Handbook Committee - Gabriela Whipple, Board Representative
10.e. Insurance Committee - Board Representative
10.f. Health & Wellness Committee - Mark Ponce, Board Representative
10.g. SEDOL Governing Board - Board Representative
10.h. PTO Report, Board Representative
10.i. Fremont Education Foundation - Mark Ponce, Board Representative
11. Monthly Financial Report - Mr. Tanner
Updated cash flow projections for the three operating funds, education, operations and maintenance, and transportation, through April 30, 2017, will be presented. A performance report on district investments, real estate tax collections, and impact fee collections for April will be reviewed. |
12. Unfinished Business
12.a. Presentation of PRESS 94, New and Revised Board Policies - Dr. Gildea
The following new or revised board policies will be presented for a second reading and recommended adoption: Board of Education #2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest; General School Administration: #3:70 Succession of Authority; Operational Services: #4:15 Identity Protection; Operational Services Exhibit-Free and Reduced-Price Food Services; #4:130E Meal Charge Notifications; General Personnel- #5:120 - Employee Ethics, Conduct, and Conflict of Interest; Professional Personnel – #5:230 Maintaining Student Discipline; Educational Support Personnel – #5:285 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers; Educational Support Personnel - #5:300 Schedules and Employment Year; Instruction - #6:70 Teaching About Religions; Students #7:100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students. Policies have been reviewed by the board's Policies and Communication Committee. It is expected that the board will vote on adoption at tonight's meeting. |
12.b. Recommendation to Approve Curriculum Resources - Dr. Freeman
Curriculum resources recommended for adoption were presented at the April 24, 2017 board meeting. Dr. Freeman will present committee recommendations to approve adoption of these K-5 math, K-5 science, electronic portfolio and learner profile resources. It is expected that the board will vote on adoption at this meeting. |
12.c. Recommendation to Approve Proposal to Replace the Middle School Fire Alarm Notification System - Mr. Tanner
Mr. Tanner will present the administration's recommendation to replace the middle school fire alarm notification system and award the lowest qualified bid of $86,373 to World Security. Bids were opened in the district office on May 2, 2017. The board had previously approved creation of documents and specifications to make the project available for public bidding. It is expected that the board votes on approval of the recommendation at tonight's meeting. |
13. New Business
13.a. Recommendation to Appoint School Treasurer for the 2017-2018 School Year - Mr. Tanner
The administration will recommend for board approval reappointment of Alan J. Mongin as school treasurer for the next school year. It is expected that the board will vote on approval at this meeting. |
13.b. Recommendation to Approve Treasurer's Bond Proposal - Mr. Tanner
Illinois state law requires school districts to bond their treasurer. A treasurer's bond proposal will be presented and recommended for approval at tonight's meeting. It is expected that the board will vote on approval at this meeting. |
13.c. Recommendation to Dispose of Electronic Equipment No Longer Used by the District - Dr. Freeman
Dr. Freeman will present the administration's recommendation to recycle, sell, or donate electronic equipment that is either defunct or no longer used by the district. It is expected that the board will vote on the recommendation at tonight's meeting. |
13.d. Presentation of 2017-2018 Middle School Overnight Field Trips For Board Approval - Ms. Motsenbocker
Board of Education Policy 6:240 states that field trips extending beyond a 200-mile radius of the school or extending overnight must have the prior approval of the Board of Education. Ms. Motsenbocker presented the following three field trips for Board of Education consideration and approval. |
13.d.1. Presentation and Review of Sixth Grade trip to Camp MacLean, a YMCA Camp in Burlington, Wisconsin
13.d.2. Presentation and Review of Seventh Grade Trip to Springfield, Illinois
13.d.3. Presentation and Review of Eighth Grade Trip to Washington, D.C.
14. Personnel - Dr. Gildea
15. Information Items
15.a. Review of New Middle School Schedule - Ms. Motsenbocker, Committee Members
15.b. Update on Curriculum Resources for Spanish - Dr. Freeman
Recommended curriculum resources will be presented for board review. Resources include Spanish Level 1A and Level 1B and and an expansion of the initial pilot for Hapara. Hapara is a chromebook extension that helps teachers monitor online activity on campus during the school day. The recommendation for adoption will be presented at next month's board meeting. |
15.c. Correspondence - Dr. Gildea
15.d. Calendar Items - President Bonds
16. Adjournment