November 28, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Establishment of Quorum
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Introduction of Guests
7. Public Comments
8. Consent Agenda
8.a. Minutes of the October 24, 2016, Policy and Communications Committee Meeting
8.b. Minutes of the October 24, 2016, Board of Education Closed Session Meeting
8.c. Minutes of the October 24, 2016, Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
8.d. School Activity Accounts
8.e. Transportation Activity Account
8.f. Approval of the Bills
8.g. Treasurer's Report for November 2016
9. Presentation(s) from the Floor
10. Superintendent/Board Reports
10.a. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Gildea
10.b. Finance & Facilities Committee of the Whole - Mr. Bonds, Chair
10.c. Policy and Communications Committee, Michele Kreis, Chair
10.d. Handbook Committee - Gabriela Whipple, Board Representatives
10.e. Insurance Committee - Rich Hentschel, Board Representative
10.f. Health and Wellness Committee - Mark Ponce, Board Representative
10.g. PTO Report, Michele Kreis, Board Representative
10.h. Fremont Education Foundation - Mark Ponce, Board Representative
10.i. SEDOL Governing Board - Jeff Luckett, Board Representative
11. Monthly Financial Report - Mr. Tanner
Updated cash flow projections for the three operating funds, education, operations and maintenance, and transportation, through October 31, 2016, will be presented. A performance report on district investments, real estate tax collections, and impact fee collections for October will be reviewed. |
12. Unfinished Business
12.a. Post Closing Possession Agreement - Mr. Tanner
An agreement between the Fremont District 79 Board of Education, buyer, and the seller of the property commonly known as 28865 and 28871 Fremont Center Road, regarding the terms of possession of the property after closing, will be presented. It is expected that the board will vote on accepting the agreement at tonight's meeting. |
12.b. Second Reading of New and Revised Board Policies - Dr. Gildea
The following new and revised board policies (PRESS 92,) will be presented for a second reading and recommended adoption: Board of Education - #2:70 Filling Vacancies & #2:70E – Checklist for Filling Board Vacancies by Appointment; #2:120 - E1 – Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a New Board of Education Member; #2:120 E2 Exhibit Website listing of Development and Training Completed by Board Members; 2:40 E-1 – PRESS Issue Updates; 2:240 - E2 Developing Local Policy; Instruction – 6:100 Using Animals in the Educational Program; Students - 7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities: #7:10E Equal Educational Opportunities Within the School Community; #7:270 Administering Medicines to Students; Community Relations #8:110 – Public Suggestions and Concerns. B. Review Policy #7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment C. Policies Undergoing a 5-year Review: #1:10 School District Legal Status; 1:20 District Organization, Operations, and Cooperative Agreements; #1:30 School District Philosophy; #2:10 School District Governance; # 2:130 Board-Superintendent Relationship; # 3:10 Goals and Objectives; #3:30 Chain of Command; #4:80 Accounting and Audits; 5:150 Personnel Records; #6:255 Assemblies and Ceremonies; #6:260 Complaints about Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs; #7:280 Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease; #7:285 Food Allergy Management Program Agreements the policies and resolution. It is expected that the board will vote on adoption at tonight's meeting. |
13. New Business
13.a. Board Vacancy
President Bonds is expected to read a letter of resignation from board member Michele Kreis, who is moving out of the district. Mrs. Kreis has served as a Board member since her election in 2013, and as Board Secretary since that time. Additionally, she has been a member of the Board’s Finance and Facilities Committee, chair of the Policy and Communications Committee, and board representative to the District’s Handbook Committee and PTO. |
14. Personnel - Dr. Gildea
The administration will recommend personnel items for board approval.
15. Information Items
15.a. Calendar Items - Mr. Bonds
15.b. Correspondence FOIAs - Dr. Gildea
15.b.1. FOIA - Lynn Gordon - Special Education Information
16. Public Comments
17. Announcements
18. Adjournment