July 24, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognition of Guests, Public Participation, Notices, and Communications
(Limited to 20 minutes) |
3. Adjournment to Closed Meeting for Personnel
Pursuant to IL Open Meetings Act: 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the district to determine its validity. |
4. Human Resources: Employments, Employment Changes, Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements, Extracurricular Assignments/Changes
4.a. Approve: Dismissal of Head Football Coach - Mr. Dwayne Grider
4.b. Approve: GRHS Head Football Coach Contingent Upon Clear Background Check- Mr. Brian Plotner
4.c. Approve: GRHS Math Teacher Contingent Upon Successful Attainment of IL Teaching License and Clear Background Check - Mr. Travis Tate
4.d. Approve: Health and Drivers Education Teacher Contingent Upon Clear Background Check - Mr. Matt Leng
4.e. Approve: Special Education Teacher Contingent Upon Clear Background Check - Ms. Gwen Eckert
4.f. Approve: Kindergarten Teacher Contingent Upon Clear Background Check - Ms. Allison Blystone
4.g. Approve: Special Education Teacher Contingent Upon Clear Background Check - Ms. Mitzi Glick
4.h. Approve: First Grade Teacher Hire Beginning January 2024. Contingent Upon Successful Student Teaching, Obtaining IL Licensure, and Clear Background Check - Ms. Kayli Koch
4.i. Approve: Permanent Substitute Contingent Upon Clear Background Check- Ms. Theresa Latoz
4.j. Approve- GRHS Secretary Contingent Upon Clear Background Check - Ms. Brittany Buyno
4.k. Approve: Teaching Assistant Hire Contingent Upon Clear Background Check - Ms. Alexia Fellers
4.l. Approve: Teaching Assistant Hire Contingent Upon Clear Background Check - Ms. Lauren Winters
4.m. Approve: Teaching Assistant Hire Contingent Upon Clear Background Check - Ms. Aubrie Hinchman
4.n. Accept: Resignation of Math Teacher - Mr. Shaun Billman
4.o. Accept: PE Teacher Resignation - Mr. Tanner Ribbe
4.p. Accept- Resignation of DSR Substitute Position - Ms. Hadly Warner
4.q. Accept: Personal Assistant Resignation - Ms. Alicia Miller
4.r. Accept: MMJH Head Cross Country Coach Resignation - Mr. Seth Pearson
5. District Financials
5.a. Approve: District Receipts and Accounts Payable - June 2023
5.b. Approve: Food Service Financials June 2023
6. Consent Agenda: Consent agenda items will be considered without discussion, unless a Board Member asks to have items removed for discussion prior to action.
6.a. Minutes of all recent regular and special meetings of the Board of Education, and any meetings of committees of the Board
6.b. Approve: GRHS Band Request to Travel to Orlando, Florida to Participate in Workshops at Disney World May 2 - May 8th, 2025.
6.c. Approve: Annual Submission of GRF Threat Assessment Plan
7. Committee Reports
7.a. Building and Grounds
7.b. Finance
7.c. Personnel
8. Administrator Reports
8.a. Superintendent - Dr. Jean Neal
8.b. Director of Curriculum and Technology - Mr. Trent Eisenbarth
8.c. HS Principal and Assistant Superintendent - Mr. Kevin Thomas
8.d. MMJH Principal - Mr. Josh Cavanaugh
8.e. Pine Crest Principal - Mrs. Ashley Vaughn
9. Adjourn