June 27, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Session (Limited to 15 minutes)
4. Adjournment to Closed Meeting for Personnel
Pursuant to IL Open Meetings Act: 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the district to determine its validity. |
5. Superintendent Report
5.a. District Goal Update
5.b. District News
5.b.1. Building and Grounds Improvements
5.b.2. ESSER III Covid Relief Grant Project- MMJH Build Equinox Air Quality, Air Purification, and Sanitation Project
5.b.3. MMJH Boys Baseball Use of Ridge Farm Baseball Field in Fall 2022
5.b.4. MMJH Girls Softball Use of the Jim Chandler Field at the Georgetown Park in Fall 2022
5.b.5. GRF Newsletter
6. Administrator Reports
6.a. District Curriculum and Technology Report - Mrs. Cramer and Mr. Eisenbarth
6.b. District Student Services Coordinator - Dr. Eads
6.c. Pine Crest Elementary Principal Report - Mrs. Vaughn
6.d. Mary Miller Junior High School Principal Report - Mr. Tosh
6.e. GRHS Principal Report - Mr. Thomas
7. Consent Agenda: Consent agenda items will be considered without discussion, unless a Board Member asks to have items removed for discussion prior to action.
7.a. Minutes of all recent regular and special meetings of the Board of Education, and any meetings of committees of the Board
7.b. School Activities Report
7.c. Approve: Dispose or Donation of Surplus Equipment - Lawn Mower
7.d. Approve: MMJH Boys Baseball Using the Ridge Farm Ball Diamond for Fall 2022 Season
7.e. Approve: MMJH Girls Softball Using the Jim Chandler Ball Diamond for the 2022-2023 Fall Season
8. Human Resources: Employments, Employment Changes, Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements, Extracurricular Assignments/Changes
8.a. Approve: MMJH Head Softball Coach - Ms. Shelby Franzen
8.b. Approve: MMJH Assistant Softball Coach - Mrs. Mary Miller
8.c. Accept: MMJH Assistant Principal Resignation - Mr. Joshua Cavanaugh
8.d. Accept: MMJH Principal Resignation - Mr. John Tosh
8.e. Approve: MMJH Principal Hire - Mr. Joshua Cavanaugh
8.f. GRHS Driver Education Behind the Wheel Teacher - Mr. Darin Chambliss
8.g. Approve: Teaching Assistant Hire - Ms. Elizabeth Cheslyn Kelly
8.h. Approve: Teaching Assistant Hire - Ms. Julie Zabelka
8.i. Approve: Special Education Teacher Hire - Ms. Heather Breazeale
8.j. Approve: Resignation MMJH Scholastic Bowl Coach - Mr. Shaun Billman
8.k. Accept: Teaching Assistant Retirement at the end of the 2024-2025 SY with the Option 2 Benefit of 6% Salary Increase for Each Year - Mrs. Lynda Brooks
8.l. Accept: Music Teacher Retirement at the end of the 2021-2022 SY - Mrs. Julie Bontjes
8.m. Accept: Teaching Retirement at the end of the 2024-2025 SY with the Option 2 Benefit of 6% Salary Increase for Each Year - Mrs. Shelly Thornton
8.n. Approve: Ridge Farm Baseball Field Maintenance - Mr. Tony Barney
8.o. Approve: Georgetown Park Softball Field Maintenance - Mr. Mike Dokey
8.p. Approve: Pine Crest Assistant Principal Hire - Mr. Zayne McCorkle
8.q. Accept: Pine Crest Secretary Resignation - Ms. Kiersten Kennedy
8.r. Approve: Pine Crest Library Teaching Assistant Hire - Ms. Kiersten Kennedy
8.s. Approve: Pine Crest Secretary Hire - Mrs. Amber McComas
9. Approve: District Financials
9.a. Approve: Financials - May 2022
9.b. Approve: Food Service Report - May 2022
9.c. Approve: 2021-2022 SY Amended Budget
9.d. Approve: 2022-2023 SY Salaries
9.e. Approve: MMJH Installation of 12 Build Equinox Air Quality, Air Purification, and Sanitation System- $300,000
10. Policy Update- First Reading
10.a. 2:230 Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board
10.b. 3:70 Succession of Authority
10.c. 4:10 Fiscal and Business Management
10.d. 4:70 Resource Conservation
10.e. 4:180 Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery
10.f. 5:40 Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
10.g. 5:70 Religious Holidays
10.h. 5:80 Court Duty
10.i. 5:110 Recognition for Service
10.j. 5:140 Solicitations By or From Staff
10.k. 5:240 Suspension
10.l. 6:60 Curriculum Content
10.m. 6:70 Teaching About Religions
10.n. 6:80 Teaching About Controversial issues
10.o. 6:140 Education of Homeless Children
10.p. 6:290 Homework
10.q. 6:330 Achievement and Awards
10.r. 7:15 Student and Family Privacy Rights
10.s. 7:270 Administering Medicines to Students
11. Adjourn