August 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Invocation
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes
3.a. July 28, 2010
3.b. Closed Minutes
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Public Session (15 minutes)
Limited to 15 minutes
6. Principal Reports
6.a. Mr. Sliva
6.b. Mrs. Gocken
6.c. Mr. Weathers
6.d. Mr. Smith
7. Old Business
7.a. Drug Testing Program
7.b. 2009-'10 Audit - Mike Witherspoon
8. New Business
8.a. Approval of IDOT Hazardous Zones & Previously approved Local Hazardous Zones
8.b. Recommendation of HIPPA, FOIA & OMA Officers for GRF CU #4:
Approval of Sherry Redmond, Natalie Cottrell &, Gail Tovey
8.c. Closed Session Minutes January 2010-June 2010: Reocmmendation to keep records closed
Due tot the nature of personnel issues, the recommendation is to keep these records closed. The next review will take place in December 0f 2010
8.d. District Policy Updates
8.e. Correspondence:
8.e.1. Electronic mail: State Superintendent Messages, Allinace & Capital News reports, ISBE Updates & additions from Mr. Irwin
9. Closed Session: To Discuss Personnel & District Legal Issues
10. Board Action as Needed:
10.a. Recommendations for action:
10.a.1. Recommendation for Hire of the GRHS Head Football Coach for hire for the 2010 Football Season
10.a.2. Recommendation for the Hire of GRHS Assistant Football Coach for the 2010 Footaball Season
10.a.3. Recommedation for the hire of GRHS Assistant Football Coach for the 2010 Football season
10.a.4. Recommendation for the hire of Ridge Farm Elementary Schol Evening Custodian, starting August 10, 2010.
10.a.5. Recommendation for the hire of Head GRHS Volleyball Coach, for the 2010 HS Volleyball season
10.a.6. Recomendation for the reinstating of RiF'd GRF CU #4 employees as listed:
10.a.7. Approval for MMJH Principal Lisa Goxken to notify 6th Grade Girls and Boys Basketball Coaches about cancelation of these programs for the 2010-'11 SY.
10.a.8. Recommendation for Hire of GRHS Special Education Teacher for the 2010'11 SY as presented.
10.a.9. Other?
10.a.10. Additions to the Sublist:
11. Adjournment