September 27, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Invocation
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes
3.a. September 13, 2010 Regular Session
3.b. September 13, 2010 Closed Session
4. Board Bills
5. District Lunch Report
6. Public Session (15 minutes)
Limited to 15 minutes
7. District Reports
Penny and Dayna
7.a. Ms. Heil and Ms. Penny - District Counseling Activities
STI Assessment & Information Now
7.b. GRHS Fall Coop Infromatioin - Mrs. Arnold
8. Old Business
8.a. District Health/Life Safety Inspections
8.b. Drug Testing Program
8.c. District Policy Updates
8.c.1. Final Reading for Board Policy on Service Animals
8.d. Administrative/Central Office Raises
8.e. Approval of the Georgetown-Ridge Farm CUSD #4 District Budget 2010 - '11
Greg Irwin, Superintendent
9. New Business
9.a. Correspondence:
9.a.1. Electronic mail: State Superintendent Messages, Allinace & Capital News reports, ISBE Updates & additions from Mr. Irwin
9.b. Georgetown American Legion Auxilary - Classes teaching about Veterans, Flag Etiquette, Patriotism, and preserving our history
9.c. Conference opportunity for GRHS Volunteerism Class
Lisa V.
9.d. Approval of the Annual FFA Convention Trip
9.e. Recognition of Schools
9.f. New and/or Revised Board Policies
9.f.1. First Reading Food Alergies Policy
10. Closed Session: To Discuss Personnel & District Legal Issues
11. Board Action as Needed:
11.a. Recommendations for action:
11.a.1. Accept the letter of retirement from Pinecrest Elementary Teacher, Melissa Dighton, effective at the close of the 2010 -'11 SY.
11.a.2. Approve and amended letter of retirement from Ridge Farm Elementary Teacher Mary K. Rainwater as presented.
11.a.3. Approve the additioin of a GRHS Volunteer Asst. Football Coach
11.a.4. Other?
12. Additions to the sub list:
13. Adjournment