September 18, 2014 at 10:30 AM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Minutes
I.A. Regular August 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve minutes of the regular August 21, 2014 meeting.
II. Public Comments
III. Correspondence
IV. Recognition
IV.A. Student Recognition
IV.A.1. Alexis Brown, Wheaton Warrenville South High School
IV.B. Perfect Attendance
IV.B.1. Francisco Carrillo, Glenbard West High School/Directions
IV.B.2. Kiana Elion, Fenton High School
IV.B.3. Gabriela Fuller, Glenbard North High School
IV.B.4. Maria Garcia-Grande, Glenbard North High School
IV.B.5. Alyssa Ippolito, Neuqua Valley High School
IV.B.6. Marissa Kocour, Naperville Central High School
IV.B.7. Daniel O'Heron, Lyons Township High School
IV.B.8. Hannah Rogers, Wheaton North High School
IV.B.9. Jacob Stellmach, Metea Valley High School
IV.B.10. Duy Vo, Glenbard North High School/Directions
IV.C. Introductions
IV.C.1. Introduction of New Staff
IV.C.1.a. Kate Graczyk, Emergency First Aid Provider
IV.C.1.b. Michaelle Jaeger, Fire Science Instructor
IV.C.1.c. Jonathan Kinczyk, Horticulture/Power Equipment Technology & PLTW Instructor
IV.C.1.d. Mark Lindberg, Digital Electronics Instructor
IV.C.1.e. Michelle Miklinski, Student Services Assistant
IV.C.1.f. James Soraparu, Construction Trades Instructor
IV.C.1.g. Margaret Todd, C N A Lab Supervisor
IV.C.1.h. Yvonne Truszkowski, Student Services Assistant
IV.C.1.i. Sheri Tucci, Early Childhood Education & Care Student Services Assistant
IV.C.1.j. James Whitmer, Criminal Justice Instructor
IV.C.1.k. Evan Wright, Computer information Systems & Game Design Instructor
IV.C.2. DuPage Leadership Team
V. President's Report
V.A. Committee Assignments
VI. Information Reports
VI.A. TCD Program Informational Report
VII. Financial Information
The Board acknowledges the receipt of the Statement of Cash & Investments and Revenue & Expenditure Reports for August 2014.
VII.A. Statement of Cash & Investments
VII.A.1. August 2014
VII.B. Revenue & Expenditure Reports
VII.B.1. Revenue
VII.B.1.a. August 2014
VII.B.2. Expenditures
VII.B.2.a. August 2014
VIII. Action Items - Consent Agenda
Motion to approve September 18, 2014, Consent Agenda Items A-E.
VIII.A. Financial Reports
VIII.A.1. Treasurer's Report
VIII.A.1.a. August 2014
VIII.A.2. Payment of Invoices
VIII.A.2.a. Imprest
VIII.A.2.a.(1) August 2014
VIII.A.2.b. Ratification
VIII.A.2.b.(1) August 2014
VIII.A.2.c. Approval
VIII.A.2.c.(1) August 2014
VIII.A.2.d. Payment of Bills
VIII.B. Personnel
VIII.B.1. Appointments
VIII.B.1.a. Educational Support Personnel-Instructional
VIII.B.1.a.(1) Student Services Assistant-Medical & Health Care Careers
VIII.B.2. Staff Salary Adjustments
VIII.C. Activity Funds
VIII.D. Advisory Committee Rosters
VIII.E. Donations
IX. Closed Session
Request a closed session for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity.
X. Committee Reports
X.A. Finance Committee
X.B. Personnel Committee
X.C. Policy Committee
XI. Reports
XI.A. Information
XI.A.1. Cosmetology Summer School Report
XI.B. Leadership Team Reports
XI.B.1. Assistant Principal for Student Services
XI.B.2. Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instructional Technology
XI.B.3. Principal
XI.B.4. Director
XII. New Business
XIII. Adjournment