March 15, 2012 at 10:30 AM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Minutes
I.A. Regular February 16, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve minutes of the regular February 16, 2012 meeting.
I.B. February 16, 2012 Closed Session Minutes
Motion to approve minutes of the February 16, 2012 Closed Session.
II. Public Comments
III. Correspondence
IV. Recognition
IV.A. Student Recognition - Catherine Gensler, Glenbard South High School
IV.B. National ProStart Culinary Competition
Eddie Olisar, Hinsdale South High School; Carolina Salagado, Addison Trail High School; Kelly Wagner, Downers Grove South; Joanna Ruiz Vazquez, Fenton High School.
V. Closed Session
Request a closed session for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, or performance, or dismissal of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity.
VI. President's Report
VII. Information Report
VIII. Financial Information
The Board acknowledges the receipt of the Statement of Cash & Investments and Revenue & Expenditure Reports for February 2012.
VIII.A. Statement of Cash & Investments
VIII.B. Revenue & Expenditure Reports
VIII.B.1. Revenue
VIII.B.2. Expenditure
IX. Action Items - Consent Agenda
Motion to approve March 15, 2012 Consent Agenda Items A-C.
IX.A. Financial Reports
IX.A.1. Treasurer's Report
IX.A.2. Payment of Invoices
IX.A.2.a. Imprest
IX.A.2.b. Ratification
IX.A.2.c. Approval
IX.A.2.d. Payment of Bills
IX.B. Overnight Field Trip Request
IX.C. Donations
X. Action Items - Director's Recommendations
X.A. FY'13 Staffing
X.A.1. Honorable Dismissal of Tenured Teachers
Motion to adopt a Resolution Authorizing Honorable Dismissal of Tenured Teachers
X.B. Remediation
X.B.1. Remediation Plan
Motion to approve the Resolution approving the remediation plan designed to correct identified deficiencies in Teaching Performance.
X.B.2. Issuance of Notice to Remedy and Suspension
Motion to approve the Issuance of the Resolution of Notice to Remedy and Suspension.
X.C. Draft #3 of the 2012-2013 TCD Student Attendance Calendar
Motion to adopt Draft #3 of the 2012-2013 TCD Student Attendance Calendar
XI. Committee Reports
XI.A. Finance Committee, N. Wahl, Chair
XI.B. Personnel Committee, T. Wierenga, Chair
XI.C. Policy Committee, S. Carr, Chair
5:10; 5:30; 5:125; 5:220: 5:260: and 7:190.
XII. Reports
XII.A. Discussion
XII.B. Information
XII.B.1. Enrollment Update/Budget Implications
XII.C. Leadership Team Reports
XII.C.1. Assistant Principal for Student Services
XII.C.2. Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction
XII.C.3. Principal
XII.C.4. Director
XIII. New Business
XIV. Adjournment