April 15, 2010 at 10:30 AM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Minutes
I.A. March 18, 2010 Regular Meeting
Motion to approve minutes of the regular March 18, 2010 meeting.
I.B. March 18, 2010, Closed Session
Motion to approve minutes of the March 18, 2010 Closed Session.
II. Recognition
II.A. Student Recognition
• Gabriel Turek, Lisle Sr. High School Senior and TCD Computer Information Systems Student
III. President's Report
IV. Correspondence
V. Public Comments
VI. Information Reports
VII. Financial Reports
•The Board acknowledges receipt of the Statement of Cash & Investments and Revenue and Expenditure Reports for March 2010.
VII.A. Statement of Cash & Investments
VII.B. Revenue & Expenditure Reports
VII.C. Cost Containment Options
VIII. Action Items - Consent Agenda
Motion to approve April 15, 2010, Consent Agenda Items 1-7.
VIII.A. Consent Agenda
VIII.A.1. Financial Items
VIII.A.1.a. Treasurer's Report
VIII.A.1.b. Payment of Invoices
VIII.A.1.b.(1) Imprest
VIII.A.1.b.(2) Ratification
VIII.A.1.b.(3) Approval
VIII.A.2. Rehiring of Tenured Certified Staff Members
VIII.A.3. Rehiring of Program Coordinators
VIII.A.4. 2011 Career & Technical Education Plan and Grants
VIII.A.5. Strategic Plan Proposal
VIII.A.6. Overnight Field Trip Requests
VIII.A.7. Donations
IX. Action Items - Director's Recommendations
IX.A. Review of Closed Minutes
Motion to retain all previously closed DAOES Board of Directors closed session minutes and release closed session minutes for October 15, 2009 and November 19, 2009; and retain all previously retained minutes of the DAVEA Board of Control; and approve destruction of the closed session recordings for January 17, 2008 sessions 1 and 2; February 5, 2008; February 21, 2008; April 17, 2008; May 15, 2008; and June 19, 2008.
IX.B. North Half Main Facility Roof and Horticulture Roof Replacement Bid Results
Motion to award Bid # 10-102, Alternate 1, North Half Main Facility Roof and Horticulture Roof Replacement to the lowest responsible bidder, Olsson Roofing Co., in an amount not to exceed $504,720.00.
IX.C. Staffing
IX.C.1. Non-tenured Certified
IX.C.1.a. Part-time
Motion to adopt a Resolution Authorizing Dismissal and Non-Renewal of Part-Time Non-Tenured Teacher
IX.C.1.b. Full-time Probationary
Motion to adopt a Resolution Authorizing Dismissal and Non-Renewal of Probationary Teachers
IX.C.2. Educational Support Personnel
Motion to adopt a Resolution for Honorable Dismissal of Educational Support Personnel
IX.D. Career Counselor Position
Motion to approve the full-time equivalent certified position of Career Counselor, effective at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year.
IX.E. Cosmetology Reorganization
Motion to approve reorganization of the Cosmetology program effective for the 2010-2011 school year.
IX.F. Other Personnel Items
IX.F.1. Appointment of Executive Assistant
Appoint Rima D. Black to the position of full-time fiscal year Executive Assistant, effective July 1, 2010.
X. Committee Reports
X.A. Personnel Committee, R. Logeman, Chair
X.B. Policy Committee, K. Pierce, Chair
X.B.1. Policies on First Reading
4:170; 5:20; 8:30
XI. Reports
XI.A. Discussion
XI.B. Information
XI.C. Director's Report
XI.D. Assistant Principal's Report
XI.E. Principal's Report
XII. New Business
XIII. Closed Session
Request a closed session for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity.
XIV. Adjournment
Following adjournment of the regular meeting, Board members and guests are invited to tour Technology Center of DuPage Automotive Technology and Auto Body Repair & Refinishing program areas.