June 22, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum.
II. Hearing of Delegates or Visitors and Public Comments.
III. Approval of Minutes – The Open and Closed Session Minutes of the May 18, 2020, Regular Meeting, and the June 9, 2020, Special Meeting. (A)
IV. Approval of Bills & Financial Reports: (A)
IV.A. Bills
IV.A.1. Payroll
IV.A.2. Regular Bills
IV.B. Deposits List
IV.C. Financial Income Summary
IV.D. Bank Reconciliations
IV.E. Building Activity Funds
IV.F. County School Facility Sales Tax
V. Reports
V.A. Superintendent.
V.B. District Administrators.
V.C. Maintenance / Food Service.
V.D. Committee Reports.
V.E. FCUSD #168 Foundation, Inc.
VI. Old Business:
VII. New Business:
VII.A. Resolutions of Thanks. (A)
VII.B. Business and Operations Proposals and Agreements:
VII.B.1. Consideration of Amended 2019-2020 Budget. (A)
VII.B.2. Second Reading of Amendments to Board Policy.
VII.B.3. Consideration of Amendments to Board Policy. (A)
VII.B.4. Awarding of Bids for Dairy, Bread, Mowing, and Trash Services. (A)
VII.B.5. Consideration to Amend 2020-2021 Public School Calendar. (A)
VII.B.6. Consideration of Purchase of Real Property. (A)
VII.B.7. Consideration of Authorization to Develop Next Stage of "Return to Play" Plan for IHSA and Other Sports and Activities. (A)
VII.C. Facilities:
VII.C.1. Update Regarding Programming Study for Master Planning of Future Potential Renovation,
Addition, and Construction of Frankfort Community High School Facilities and Maintenance Grant Planning.
VII.C.2. Consideration of Proposal to Authorize Schematic Design Work for Potential Renovation, Addition, and Construction of High School Facilities. (A)
VII.C.3. Update Regarding Status of Maintenance Grant, ADA, and Other Related Projects Across the District.
VII.C.4. Consideration of Authorization for Renovation Planning and Work for Office of Special Education. (A)
VII.D. Closed Session – To discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired; and security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel and equipment to respond . . . to [a] potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public, or public property; in 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1)(2)(5)(8).
VII.E. Return To Open Session. (A)
VII.F. Personnel:
VII.F.1. Consideration of Updated Job Descriptions for Administrative Positions. (A)
VII.F.2. Employ Administrator for 2020-2021 to Be Assigned to FCHS. (A)
VII.F.3. Recall of Part-time Professional Educator Licensed Employee - Social Studies - FCHS (A).
VII.F.4. Recall of Part-time Professional Educator Licensed Employee - Family and Consumer Science - FCHS. (A)
VII.F.5. Acceptance of Letter(s) of Resignation / Retirement. (A)
VII.F.6. Authorization to Post / Advertise Position(s). (A)
VII.G. Board Member Comments.
VIII. Adjournment