July 15, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum.
II. Hearing of Delegates or Visitors and Public Comments.
III. Approval of Minutes – the Closed Session Minutes of the May 20, 2019, Regular Meeting and the June 11, 2019, Special Meeting; the Open Session Minutes of the June 24, 2019, Budget Hearing; and the Open and Closed Session Minutes of the June 24, 2019, Regular Meeting. (A)
IV. Approval of Bills & Financial Reports: (A)
IV.A. Bills
IV.A.1. Payroll
IV.A.2. Regular Bills
IV.B. Deposits List
IV.C. Financial Income Summary
IV.D. Bank Reconciliations
IV.E. Building Activity Funds
IV.F. County School Facility Sales Tax
V. Reports
V.A. Superintendent
V.B. District Admnistrators
V.C. Maintenance / Food Service
V.D. Committee Reports.
V.E. FCUSD #168 Foundation, Inc.
VI. Old Business:
VII. New Business:
VII.A. Business and Operations Proposals and Agreements:
VII.A.1. Awarding of Bid to Provide Natural Gas Utility Services. (A)
VII.A.2. Consideration of Collaborative Agreement between Frankfort CUSD #168 and Southern Region Early Childhood Program (SIU-C Pre-K). (A)
VII.A.3. Consideration of Agreement Between Frankfort CUSD #168 and Tri-County Special Education Joint Agreement for Mobilization and Orientation Services. (A)
VII.A.4. Consideration of Adjustment of Adult School Meal Prices. (A)
VII.B. Curriculum and Instruction Proposals:
VII.B.1. Consideration of Proposals RE: 2019-2020 School Handbook Changes. (A)
VII.C. Facilities:
VII.C.1. Update on Facility Projects.
VII.D. Closed Session –To discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel and equipment to respond . . . to [a] potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public, or public property; other matters relating to individual students; and discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed . . .for purposes of . . . semi-annual review of the minutes as stated in [5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1)(2)(8)(10)(21)]. (A)
VII.E. Return To Open Session. (A)
VII.F. Semi-Annual Consideration of Status of Closed Session Minutes and Potential of Destruction of Closed Session Verbatim Record Audio Recordings. (A)
VII.G. Personnel:
VII.G.1. Acceptance of Letter(s) of Resignation / Retirement. (A)
VII.G.2. Consideration of Approval of Maternity Leave. (A)
VII.G.3. Authorization to Post / Advertise Position(s). (A)
VII.H. Authorization to Call a Special Meeting of the Board of Education. (A)
VIII. Adjournment. (A)