July 30, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Special
Agenda |
I. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum.
II. Hearing of Delegates or Visitors and Public Comments.
III. New Business:
III.A. Consideration of 2018-2019 Student Handbook for Approval. (A)
III.B. Consideration of Proposal Regarding K-8 Title and 3-6 Fee-Based After-School Programs. (A)
III.C. Closed Session – To discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; and collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees; [5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1)(2)]. (A)
III.D. Return to Open Session. (A)
III.E. Personnel:
III.E.1. Employ Professional Educator Licensed Employee - Physical Education - FCHS. (A)
III.E.2. Employ Professional Educator Licensed Employee - Science - FCHS. (A)
III.E.3. Recall of Part-Time Professional Educatior Licensed Employee - Speech Language Pathologist. (A)
III.E.4. Approval of Job Descriptions for Educational Support Employees - ASC. (A)
III.E.5. Employ Educational Support Personnel - Bookkeeper/Human Resources - Payroll - ASC. (A)
III.E.6. Employ Parent Liaison - FIS. (A)
III.E.7. Acceptance of Letter(s) of Resignation. (A)
III.E.8. Recall of Paraprofessional Educator Endorsed Employee(s). (A)
III.E.9. Approval of FCHS Dance Team Coach. (A)
III.E.10. Authorization to Post Position(s). (A)
IV. Adjournment. (A)