September 19, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Study Session
Agenda |
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s
2. School Assistant Superintendents
School Assistant Superintendents
2.A. September Board Agenda
2.B. Report on Campus Enrollment
2.C. Academic Support Plan
3. Ptomey
Sara Ptomey
3.A. September Board Agenda
3.B. Memorandum of Understanding for Delegation of Activities Under Health and Human Services - AVANCE-Houston
3.C. Approval of STAAR 360 Program
3.D. Approval of Math 180 Course I
3.E. Memorandum of Understanding between the Dana Center and Aldine ISD for College Prep Math
3.F. Approval of Teacher College Reading and Writing Project Contract
3.G. Interlocal Agreement between Harris County Department of Education and Aldine ISD - Center for After-School, Summer, and Enrichment
3.H. Interlocal Agreement between Harris County Department of Education and Aldine ISD - 21st Century Community Learning Center at Francis Elementary
3.I. 2016-2017 Prekindergarten Assessment Program - Frog Street
3.J. Interlocal Agreement between the University of Texas at Austin and Aldine ISD for Transcript Analysis - LUCHA
3.K. Head Start Update
3.L. Head Start - July Correct Matching/InKind Update Amount
3.M. House Bill (HB 1842) Turnaround Plan
3.N. TEA Required Actions and 2016-2017 Aldine ISD Identified Strategies
3.O. Summer 2015 STAAR EOC Retest
3.P. National Student Clearinghouse - StudentTracker for High School Reports
3.Q. 2016 Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS)
3.R. Gulf Coast Reads
3.S. Family Engagement Expo
4. Knippel
Ken Knippel
4.A. Board Agenda
4.B. District Activity Report
4.C. Monthly Report on Student Discipline-August 2016
4.D. School Enrollment (Agenda Book)
5. Garza
Abel Garza
5.A. Agenda
5.B. Calendar and Events
6. DeWalt
Kaye DeWalt
6.A. September Agenda
6.B. Release of Judgment Liens
6.C. Resolution of Judgment Liens
6.D. Release of Uncollectable Abstract Judgment Liens Agenda Item
6.E. Resolution of Uncollectable Abstracts of Judgment
6.F. List of Re-sale Properties
6.G. Policy Update 106 affecting Policy EHBAF (LOCAL) - First & FInal Reading effective immediately
6.H. Status Report on Settlement Agreement in Federal Investigation of Discrimination Charge No.: 197-74-537
6.I. Update on A. Vale v. Aldine ISD; Docket No.: 008-R10-12-2015
7. Hazzan
Anne Hazzan
7.A. Agenda
7.B. Ratification of the Check Register
7.C. Bid
7.C.1. Baseball Supplies & Equipment RFP#ATH 1516-43
7.C.2. Softball Supplies & Equipment RFP# ATH 1516-44
7.C.3. Letter Jackets RFP# PURCH 1617-2
7.C.4. Awards, Incentives & Spirit Apparel RFP# PURCH 1415-8 (R)
7.C.5. Instructional Supplies, Materials & Equipment RFP# PURCH 1415-1 (R)
7.C.6. Performing Arts Supplies, Materials, Services & Equipment RFP# PURCH 1415-28 (L)
7.C.7. Professional and Consulting Services RFP# 1415-11 (K)
7.C.8. Contract Renewals
7.D. Approval of Budget Amendment for Period 3 for the 2016-2017
7.D.1. General Fund
7.D.2. Child Nutrition
7.E. Approval of Monthly Tax Office Refunds
7.F. Approval of Contracts and Purchases Over $50,000 - addendum
7.G. Approval of recommendation for Board authorization to negotiate purchase price and to execute agreement to acquire, sell/lease real property for possible school site (hardcopy)
7.H. Approval of revisions to Board Policy CDA (Local) regarding the Investment Program-addendum
7.I. Approval of revisions to DEC (Local) regarding Compensation and Benefits. – addendum
7.J. Tax Rate - Adoption of the Tax Rate for 2016 Tax Year - addendum
7.K. Tax Office Report
7.L. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
7.M. Monthly Investment Report
7.N. Materials Auction Summary
7.O. District Vendor List
8. Chapa
Selina Chapa
8.A. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
8.B. Approval of Revised Probationary & Term Contracts
Approval of Revised Probationary & Term Contracts
8.C. Human Resources Personnel Report
Human Resources Personnel Report
8.D. Vacancy List
Vacancy List
8.E. Approved Staff Assignments
Approved Staff Assignments
8.F. Personnel Assignments and Recommendations
Personnel Assignments and Recommendations
8.G. Administrator Transition Report
Administrator Transition Report
8.H. Human Capital Report
Human Capital Report
9. Blanson
Archie Blanson
9.A. Agenda - September
9.B. Approval of Competitive Sealed Proposals for the Aldine ISD: Northside Transportation Center - ADDENDUM
9.C. Approval of Competitive Sealed Proposals for the Aldine ISD Resource and Staff Development Center Phase II Renovations
9.D. Approval of Competitive Sealed Proposals for 11.6” Chromebooks and Carts RFP# TS-CHROMEBOOK-16
9.E. Consideration of Proposed for Board Policy FFA (LOCAL): Wellness Policy - Student Welfare/Wellness and Health Services – Second and Final Reading
9.F. Presentation of Elevation and Color Board for Greenspoint EC/Pre-K, Lauder EC/Pre-K, New Johnson Elementary School, New Francis Elementary School, West Mount Houston Middle School, Townsen Boulevard Middle School, Lauder Road Middle School, Aldine ISD: Northside Transportation Center, and the Aldine ISD: Career and Technical Education High School
9.G. Schools to be Considered for Permanent Naming
9.H. Bond Update
9.I. Career and Technical Education High School Update
9.J. Facilities Planning and Construction Report
9.K. Buildings and Properties Report
9.L. Child Nutrition Report
9.M. Maintenance Report
9.N. Technology Report
9.O. Transportation Report
10. Bamberg
Wanda Bamberg
10.A. Agenda - September 19, 2016
10.B. Approval of Sickday Request from David Schoen
10.C. Approval of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Harris County
10.D. Level III Grievance Hearing Tuesday, September 20th
10.E. TASA/TASB Convention
10.F. Memorial Hermann Health Centers for Schools - Nimitz Clinic
10.G. Board Notebooks
10.H. District of Innovation
10.I. Plans for Reconfiguration and Schools for 2018-2019
10.J. Ground Breaking Ceremony for East Aldine Early College/Lone Star
10.K. Response to Patrons Desiring to be Heard at August Meeting
11. Addendums
11.A. School Assistant Superintendents
11.B. Ptomey
11.B.1. September Board Agenda - ADDENDUM
11.B.2. Budget Approval to AVANCE-Houston to Provide Early Head Start Services from January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017
Administered by the Administration for Children and Families Department of Health and Human Services - ADDENDUM |
11.B.3. Interlocal Agreement Between Harris County Department of Education and Aldine ISD - 21st Century Community Learning Center at Drew Academy and Marcella Intermediate - ADDENDUM
11.B.4. Living History Presentation by Civil Rights Activist Joan Trumpauer Mulholland - Friday, September 9, 2016 - ADDENDUM
11.B.5. 2016 State Accountability Ratings - ADDENDUM
11.C. Knippel
11.C.1. Board Agenda Addendum
11.C.2. Approval of Phoenix House MOU
11.C.3. Approval of University of Houston MOU'S
11.D. Garza
11.D.1. Agenda
11.D.2. Monthly Media Update
11.D.3. Monthly News Releases
11.E. DeWalt
11.F. Hazzan
11.F.1. Agenda Addendum
11.F.2. Approval of Contracts and Purchases Over $50,000
11.F.3. Approval of Revisions to Board Policy:
11.F.3.a. Board Policy CDA (Local) Regarding the Investment Program on First and Final Reading
11.F.3.b. Board Policy DEC (Local) Regarding Compensation and Benefits on First and Final Reading
11.F.4. Tax Rate - Adoption of the Tax Rate for 2016 Tax Year
11.G. Chapa
11.G.1. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
11.G.2. Approval of Revised Probationary & Term Contracts
Approval of Revised Probationary & Term Contracts
11.G.3. Vacancy List
Vacancy List
11.G.4. Approved Staff Assignments
Approved Staff Assignments
11.G.5. Student Teachers Dinner Invitation
Student Teachers Dinner Invitation
11.H. Blanson
11.H.1. Agenda - September ADDENDUM
11.H.2. Approval of Competitive Sealed Proposals for the Aldine ISD: Northside Transportation Center - ADDENDUM
11.I. Bamberg
11.I.1. Agenda - Addendum, September 19, 2016
11.I.2. Student Enrollment
11.I.3. Cameras in Special Education Classrooms
11.I.4. Debrief Steering Committee and Parent Meeting from September 13, 2016
12. Handouts given out at Study Session night
12.A. School Assistant Superintendents
12.B. Ptomey
12.B.1. 2016 Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS)
12.B.2. 2016-2017 SHAC Meeting Dates
12.C. Knippel
12.D. Garza
12.D.1. Calendar and Events
12.D.2. Social Media Update
12.E. DeWalt
12.F. Hazzan
12.G. Chapa
12.G.1. Approval of Final Recommendation for Health Benefits
Approval of Final Recommendation for Health Benefits
12.H. Blanson
12.I. Bamberg