August 15, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Study Session
Agenda |
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/s
2. School Assistant Superintendents (Addendum)
School Assistant Superintendents
3. Ptomey
Sara Ptomey
3.A. August Agenda
3.B. Memorandum of Understanding - Advise Texas Program between Texas A&M University and Aldine ISD
3.C. Student Trips
3.D. July 2016 Head Start Update Clarification
3.E. Head Start Update
3.F. Class of 2016 Scholarship Recipients
3.G. District Improvement Plan: 2015 - 2016 Scorecard
4. Knippel
Ken Knippel
4.A. Board Agenda
4.B. District Activity Report
4.C. Monthly Discipline Report
5. Garza
Abel Garza
5.A. Agenda
5.B. Monthly News Releases
6. DeWalt
Kaye DeWalt
6.A. Agenda
6.B. Release of Judgment Liens
6.C. Resolution of Judgment Liens
6.D. Release of Abstracts
6.E. Resolution of Abstracts
6.F. List of Re-sale Properties
6.G. Resolutions Authorizing the Re-sale of Properties
6.H. Policy Update 105 affecting Local Policies (local policies attached to item) - Second Reading
6.I. Acceptance of Revisions to Local Board Policy DNA (LOCAL) on Teacher Appraisals and DNB (LOCAL) on Administrator Appraisals - Second Reading
6.J. Status Report on Settlement Agreement in Federal Investigation of Discrimination Charge No.: 197-74-537
6.K. Update on A. Vale v. Aldine ISD; Docket No.: 008-R10-12-2015
7. Hazzan
Anne Hazzan
7.A. Agenda
7.B. Ratification of the Check Register
7.C. Approval of Bids
7.C.1. Additional High Volume Grocery Supplies, Frozen & Refrigerated Foods, Paper & Plastic Goods RFP# CND 1516-46
7.C.2. Tennis Supplies & Equipment RFP# ATH 1516-42
7.C.3. Millwork Casework RFP# PURCH 1516-16
7.C.4. Contract Renewals
7.D. Approval of Budget Amendment for Period 2 for the 2016-2017
7.D.1. General Fund
7.E. Approval of Monthly Tax Office Refunds
7.F. Approval of Contracts and Purchases Over $50,000 - addendum
7.G. Tax Office Report
7.H. Revenue Status & Budget Analysis
7.I. Monthly Investment Report
7.J. Quarterly Investment Report
7.K. Update on Unemployment Claims
7.L. District Vendor List
8. Chapa
Selina Chapa
8.A. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
8.B. Vacancy List
Vacancy List
8.C. Approved Staff Assignments
Approved Staff Assignments
8.D. Personnel Assignments & Recommendations
Personnel Assignments & Recommendations
8.E. Fingerprinting and e-Verify
Fingerprinting and e-Verify
9. Blanson
Archie Blanson
9.A. Agenda - August
9.B. Approval of Renaming of the Resource Center Building and Naming of Thermo Fisher Building
9.C. Consideration of Proposed for Board Policy FFA (LOCAL): Wellness Policy - Student Welfare/Wellness and Health Services – First Reading
9.D. Bond Update
9.E. Facilities Planning and Construction Report
9.F. Buildings and Properties Report
9.G. Child Nutrition Report
9.H. Maintenance Report
9.I. Technology Report
9.J. Transportation Report
10. Bamberg
Wanda Bamberg
10.A. Agenda - August 16, 2016
10.B. June 2001 Resolution for Naming Administrative Buildings
10.C. Special Called Meeting - August 16, 2016
10.D. TASA/TASB Convention and Board Training - September 23-25, 2016
10.E. Name Change of Greenspoint Elementary
10.F. TASB Board of Directors, Position A Vacancy-Endorsement
10.G. Districts of Innovation
10.H. District/Board Memberships
10.I. Superintendent's Contract
10.J. Board Goals and Board Operating Procedures
10.K. Correspondence
11. Addendums
11.A. School Assistant Superintendents
11.A.1. August Agenda
11.B. Ptomey
11.B.1. Board Agenda - ADDENDUM
11.B.2. Remote Homebound Instruction - Regular Education Students General Waiver Request - ADDENDUM
11.B.3. TEA Preliminary On-Site Report of Findings - ADDENDUM
11.B.4. Preliminary 2016 State Accountability Ratings - ADDENDUM
11.B.5. 2016-2017 Board Presentation Schedule - ADDENDUM
11.B.6. District Improvement Plan: 2015 - 2016 Scorecard - ADDENDUM
11.C. Knippel
11.D. Garza
11.D.1. Agenda
11.D.2. School Board Welcome Back Ltr
11.D.3. Calendar & Events
11.D.4. Monthly Media Update
11.E. DeWalt
11.E.1. Addendum - Agenda, August 15, 2016
11.F. Hazzan
11.F.1. Agenda Addendum
11.F.2. Approval of Contracts & Purchases Over $50,000
11.G. Chapa
11.G.1. HR Agenda
HR Agenda
11.G.2. Approve Staff Assignments
Approve Staff Assignments
11.H. Blanson
11.H.1. August Agenda - ADDENDUM
11.H.2. Approval of Competitive Sealed Proposals for the Anderson Elementary Modular Building Neighborhood - ADDENDUM
11.I. Bamberg
11.I.1. Addendum - Agenda
11.I.2. Addendum - Special Called Meeting, Aug. 16, 2016
11.I.3. Addendum - Districts of Innovation
11.I.4. Addendum - District/Board Membership List
11.I.5. Level 3 Grievance Hearing
11.I.6. Supt Invited to Singapore
11.I.7. Letter from Retiree, David Schoen
11.I.8. Review Social Media Policy
11.I.9. Correspondance
11.I.9.a. Newsletter from GCAASB
11.I.9.b. The Greenspoint District - Invitation to their 25th Celebration
12. Handouts given out at Study Session night
12.A. School Assistant Superintendents
12.B. Ptomey
12.C. Knippel
12.D. Garza
12.E. DeWalt
12.F. Hazzan
12.G. Chapa
12.G.1. Human Resources Personnel Report - Completed List
Human Resources Personnel Report - Completed List
12.G.2. Vacancy List - Updated
Vacancy List - Updated
12.G.3. Recommendation for Health Benefits - Presentation at Study Session
Recommendation for Health Benefits - Presentation at Study Session
12.H. Blanson
12.I. Bamberg