April 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call
II. Superintendent's Report
II.A. Presentation from the Business Department: Kevin Slattery, CSBO
II.B. Presentation of the Federal Grants Consolidated Plan for Brookwood School District 167 by Kathleen Hatczel, Curriculum Director
III. Board Reports
III.A. Review of IASB Press Plus Policies from Issue 114
Policies 2:40, 2:260, 2:265, 4:190, 5:10, 5:20, 5:300, 7:10, 7:10-E, 7:20, 7:180, 2:270, 5:100, 2:50, 2:60, 2:140, 2:140-E, 4:20, 4:110, 5:35, 5:40, 6:40, 4:165, 5:120, 6:60, 6:185, 7:185 |
IV. Board Comments
V. Recommended Actions
V.A. Approval of the Brookwood SD167 Consolidated Plan for the FY25 School Year as Required by ISBE
V.B. Approval of the renewal of JAMF School Management for the 2024-2025 School Year to Manage our iPads and MacBooks at a Total Cost of $10,290.00
V.C. Approval of Participation at the NSBA/Cube Conference in October 2024 to Include the Cost of Registration, Travel, Lodging and Food
V.D. Approval of the Education Benefits Consortium rates for Health Insurance Coverage at the following Rates for FY25:
EBC 2024-2025 EE EE+SP EE+CH FAMILY PPO $977.30 $2,247.80 $2,052.32 $3,127.32 PPOw/HSA $762.16 $1,752.98 $1,600.51 $2,438.87 HMO $717.55 $1,650.35 $1,506.82 $2,296.11 |
V.E. Approval of the Guardian Dental Rates for FY25 (no change from previous year)
2024-2025 EE EE+1 FAMILY PPO $32.69 $99.14 $99.14 Managed Dental Care Plan EE EE+1 FAMILY $18.45 $49.22 $49.22 |
V.F. Approval of a New Scoreboard for the Hickory Bend Performing Arts/Multi-Purpose Area from Nevco at a Total Cost of $8747.00
V.G. Approval to have Carrier Electric install Outdoor, Motion, Lighting over the Playground at Hickory Bend per our Facilities Plan in the amount of $11,826.00, of which $5,913.00 is Funded through the School Maintenance Project Grant
V.H. Approval to Install a New Handwashing Sink and Ice Machine in the Kitchen at Hickory Bend per the Facilities Plan by Quality Control Systems, Inc for a Total Cost of $7,200.00
V.I. Approval of the Triple Duty Valve Replacement for the Chiller at BJHS by Quality Control Systems, Inc. at a Total Cost of $9,815.00
V.J. Approval of 225 sq. feet of Concrete Replacement at Longwood (at the entry of the bus drop off area) by North Creek Builders, LLC for a cost of $5950.00
V.K. Approval for an 8-month Contract with Utermark and Sons for the Landscaping and Lawn at Longwood Elementary at a monthly cost of $980.00; for a Total Cost from April to November 2024 of $7,840.00
V.L. Approval of the Removal and Replacement of New Carpet for the Four Kindergarten Classrooms at Longwood Elementary by TOWNE Interiors at a cost of $17,445.00 of which $8,722.50 is Funded through the School Maintenance Project Grant
V.M. Approval to pay Calumet City Plumbing to Replace and Install the Drinking Fountain in the Main Hallway at Longwood for a Total Cost of $3,487.00
V.N. Approval of Unpaid Maternity/Medical Leave for Asia Beard for the rest of the 2023-2024 School Year to Begin in May 2024
V.O. Approval of the April Accounts Payable Pre-List in the Amount of $1,547,889.97; Imprest Account in the Amount of $645.20; and Total Payroll in the Amount of $675,727.70; for a Grand Total of $2,224,262.87
V.P. Approval of the March 11, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
V.Q. Approval of the Closed Board Meeting Minutes from March 30, 2024
VI. Citizen's Comments (Limited to 3 minutes)
VII. Adjournment