August 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Education of School District 89 Maywood- Melrose Park- Broadview will come to order at _________ p.m. on August 8, 2024.
2. Roll Call
Upon roll call, the following members responded as present: Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Statement Regarding Public Comment
If you intend to speak, please fill out completely a "Questions and Comments Form" and present it to the Superintendent's Executive Administrative Assistant at this time. The Board will hear comments related to the agenda. The Board will hear comments not related to the agenda, however, these comments may be forwarded to the Superintendent or to the School Principal for an individual response. Please remain seated until you are called. Comments will be limited to three minutes. |
5. Acceptance of Comments or Questions from Audience
6. Motion to approve the suspension and waiver of Policy 2:70's provisions relating to publication of the current Board vacancy and acceptance of resumes for the current Board Vacancy.
A motion was made by _________________, seconded by ______________, to approve the suspension and waiver of Policy 2:70's provisions relating to publication of the current Board vacancy and acceptance of resumes for the current Board vacancy. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared _________________. |
7. Motion to appoint Teri Cervone to fill the current Board vacancy effective immediately and for the remainder of the unexpired term ending in 2025.
A motion was made by ________________ seconded by ____________, to appoint Teri Cervone to fill the current Board vacancy effective immediately and for the remainder of the unexpired term ending in 2025. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared _______________. |
8. Swearing-In of the New Board Member
9. Election of Board Vice President
A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________ to elect _____________ as Vice President of the Board of Education. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone___ Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias ___ Parker ___ Rivers ___ Williams ___ The motion was declared _______________. |
10. Election of Board Secretary (If necessary as a result of the election of Vice President)
A motion was made by ____________, seconded by ____________ to elect __________________ as Secretary of the Board of Education. When the question was called the following vote resulted: Cervone ___ Ciancio ___ Giron___ Macias ___ Parker ___ Rivers ___ Williams ___ The motion was declared ____________. |
11. Appointments of Board of Education Committee Chairs: Finance, Policy, Education, Parent Advisory, and Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) West Cook Division Governing Board
Finance Committee Chair: ___________________________ The motion was made by _________, seconded by ____________, to appoint ____________ as Finance Committee Chair. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone ___ Ciancio ___ Giron___ Macias ___ Parker ___ Rivers ___ Williams ___ The motion was declared ____________. Policy Committee Chair: _____________ The motion was made by ____________, seconded by ____________, to appoint ______________ as Policy Committee Chair. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone ___ Ciancio ___ Giron___ Macias ___ Parker ___ Rivers ___ Williams ___ The motion was declared ______________. Education Committee Chair: _________________________ A motion was made by ____________, seconded by ____________, to appoint ______________ as Education Committee Chair. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone ___ Ciancio ___ Giron___Macias ___ Parker ___ Rivers ___ Williams ___ The motion was declared ________________. Parent Advisory Committee Chair: __________________ The motion was made by ____________ seconded by __________, to appoint ____________ as Parent Advisory Committee Chair. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone___ Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker__ Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared ___________. IASB West Cook Division Governing Board Representative: _________________________ The motion was made by ________________, seconded by __________________, to appoint ____________________ as IASB West Cook Division Governing Board Representative. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone ___ Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias ___ Parker___ Rivers ___ Williams ___ The motion was declared ____________________. |
12. President's Report
12.A. District Leadership Instructional Team
12.B. Education Committee
12.C. Finance Committee
12.D. Policy Committee
12.E. Parent Advisory Committee
13. Superintendent's Report
13.A. Administrative Updates
13.B. Bilingual Program Update
13.C. Curriculum
13.D. Student Services Update
13.E. Human Resources
13.F. FOIA Updates
13.F.1) Received and completed FOIA request from Vance, requesting email addresses and titles for specific employees.
13.F.2) Received and completed FOIA request from Kerri Arnold, owner & principal consultant at Perspective HR, requesting the employee benefits program for non-union employees.
14. Old Business
15. New Business
16. Retire to Closed Session
A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, that the Board retire into Closed Session at ______________ p.m. for the purpose of: |
16.A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
16.B. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court of administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).
16.C. Discussion of minutes of meeting lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21).
When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone___ Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared ______________. |
17. Board to Reconvene to Regular Session
A motion was made by _______________, seconded by ______________, to reconvene the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education at __________ p.m. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone ___ Ciancio ___ Giron___ Macias____ Parker ___ Rivers ___ Williams ___ The motion was declared _____________. |
18. Motion to approve Administrator's Contracts for the 2024-2024 School Year
A motion was made by_______________, seconded by___________, to approve Administrator's Contracts for the 2024-2025 School Year. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone___ Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared _________________ |
19. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda
19.A. Approval of Meeting Minutes
19.A.1) May 9, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Closed Session
19.A.2) May 20, 2024 Special Board Meeting Closed Session
19.A.3) May 21, 2024 Special Board Meeting Closed Session
19.A.4) May 28, 2024 Special Board Meeting Open Session
19.A.5) May 28, 2024 Special Board Meeting Closed Session
19.A.6) June 6, 2024 Special Board Meeting Closed Session
19.A.7) June 13, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Open Session
19.A.8) June 13, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Closed Session
19.B. Approval of Personnel Items
19.B.1) Appointment of Certified Personnel
19.B.2) Certified Resignations
19.B.3) Certified Request for Leaves
19.B.4) Certified Transfers
19.B.5) Certified Retirees
19.B.6) Termination of Employees
19.B.7) Educational Support Personnel Transactions
19.B.8) Volunteers/Student Teachers
19.B.9) Salary Adjustments/Title Change
19.B.10) Stipend Based Appointments
19.C. Approval of August 8, 2024 Bills/Payroll
19.D. Approval of the Advance Check List
19.E. Approval of All Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Hazardous Routes
19.F. Approval of Veterans Park District Intergovernmental Agreement Renewal
19.G. Approval of West40 Safety and Threat Assessment Team
19.H. Approval of authorized signers of District Accounts
19.I. Approval of authorized signer of Jane Addams School Student Activity Fund Accounts
19.J. Motion: I move that the Board of Education approve the Consent Agenda.
A motion was made by ____________, seconded by _______________, to approve the Consent Agenda. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone____ Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias____ Parker ___ Rivers____ Williams____ The motion was declared____________________. |
20. Motion to approve the purchase of Executive Coaching by Roosevelt Nivens at a cost not to exceed $59,994.00.
A motion was made by ________________, seconded by______________, to approve the purchase of Executive Coaching by Roosevelt Nivens at a cost not to exceed $59,994.00. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone___ Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared ____________________. |
21. Motion to approve the purchase of Chronic Absenteeism Coaching by Operating in Excellence, LLC. at a cost not to exceed $24,000.00.
A motion was made by______________, seconded by ______________to approve the purchase of Chronic Absenteeism Coaching by Operating in Excellence, LLC. at a cost not to exceed $24,000.00. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone___ Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared ______________________. |
22. Motion to approve the purchase of Principal Coaching by Transformations Advisory Group at a cost not to exceed $40,000.00.
A motion was made by _________________, seconded by ______________, to approve the purchase of Principal Coaching by Transformations Advisory Group at a cost not to exceed $40,000.00. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone___ Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared _________________. |
23. Motion to approve the purchase of Mathematics Professional Development by University of Illinois System at a cost not to exceed $40,860.00
A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _____________ to approve the purchase of Mathematics Professional Development by University of Illinois System at a cost not to exceed $40,860.00. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone___ Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared _________________. |
24. Motion to approve the Resolution for a Public Hearing on the 2024-2025 Budget
A motion was made by ______________, seconded by _______________, to adopt the following Resolution, calling for a Public Hearing on the 2024-2025 Budget. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Maywood-Melrose Park-Broadview School District 89 tentative Annual School District Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, will be available for public viewing at the Administrative Office Located at 906 Walton Street, Melrose Park, Illinois during regular business hours beginning Friday, August 9, 2024. Notice is further given that a public hearing on the passage of the Annual School District Budget will be held at the School District's Administrative Offices at 906 Walton Street, Melrose Park, Illinois, on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. All interested persons are invited to attend and will be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone___ Ciancio____ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared ___________________. |
25. Motion for Adjournment
Motion: I move that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education be adjourned. A motion was made by _________________, seconded by __________________, that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education be adjourned at ___________p.m. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Cervone___ Ciancio___ Giron___ Macias____ Parker ___ Rivers ___ Williams___ The motion was declared________________. |