January 14, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Education of School District 89 Maywood- Melrose Park- Broadview will come to order at _________ p.m. on January 14, 2021.
2. Roll Call
Upon roll call, the following members responded as present: Bonilla-Lopez___ Casillas___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognitions
4.A. Maywood Toy Drive
5. Statement Regarding Public Comment
If you intend to speak, please fill out completely a "Questions and Comments Form" and present it to the Superintendent's Executive Administrative Assistant at this time. The Board will hear comments related to the agenda. The Board will hear comments not related to the agenda, however, these comments may be forwarded to the Superintendent or to the School Principal for an individual response. Please remain seated until you are called. Comments will be limited to three minutes. |
6. Acceptance of Comments or Questions from Audience
7. President's Report
7.A. District Improvement Planning Team
7.B. Education Committee
7.C. Finance Committee
7.D. Policy Committee
7.E. Parent Advisory Committee
7.F. IASB Resolutions
8. Superintendent's Report
8.A. Administrative Updates
8.B. Bilingual Program Update
8.C. Assesment and Grants
8.D. Curriculum
8.E. Student Services Update
8.F. Human Resources
8.G. FOIA Updates
8.G.1) Received and completed FOIA request from Ali Clark, Bid Update Specialist, at The Blue Book Building & Construction Network, requesting specific information on the Irving Middle School and Emerson Elementary School Geothermal Installation.
8.G.2) Received and completed FOIA request from Heidy Holloway, Sales Support Specialist for Citywide Building Maintenance Inc.,requesting precious bid proposal results for the custodial services-Bid results need to specify bidders name and prices, current month and annual cost and a copy of the current custodial contract.
8.G.3) Received and completed FOIA request from Christian Pilapil, Construction Update Reporter at The Blue Book Building & Construction Network,requesting specific information on the Irving Middle School and Emerson Elementary School Geothermal Installation.
9. Old Business
10. New Business
10.A. First Read of Policies: 4: 90 Student Activity and Fiduciary Funds, 5:60-E1 Exhibit-Employee Expense Reimbursement Form, 5:60-E2 Exhibit-Employee Estimated Expense Approval Form, 5:100 Staff Development Program, 5:270 Employment-At-Will, Compensation, and Assignment, 6:20 School Year Calendar and Day, 6:315 High School Credit for Students in Grade 7 or 8, 6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program, 7:100 Health , Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students, 7:140 Search and Seizure, 7:150 Afency and Police Interviews, 7:190 Student Discipline, 7:300 Extracurricular Athletics
11. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda
11.A. Approval of Meeting Minutes
11.B. Approval of Personnel Items
11.B.1) Appointment of Certified Personnel
11.B.2) Certified Resignations
11.B.3) Certified Request for Leaves
11.B.4) Certified Transfers
11.B.5) Certified Retirees
11.B.6) Termination of Employees
11.B.7) Educational Support Personnel Transactions
11.B.8) Volunteers/Student Teachers
11.B.9) Salary Adjustments/Title Change
11.B.10) Removal of Tenure Teachers
11.B.11) Non-Renewal of Probationary Teachers
11.B.12) Stipend Based Appointments
11.C. Approval of September 10, 2020 Bills/Payroll
11.D. Approval of the Advance Check List
11.E. Approval for the preparation of the 2021-22 (FY22) tentative budget
11.F. Approval of Policies: 2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure
11.G. Motion: I move that the Board of Education approve the Consent Agenda.
A motion was made by ____________, seconded by _______________, to approve the Consent Agenda. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez____ Casillas_____ Giron___ Macias____ Parker ___ Rivers____ Williams____ The motion was declared____________________. |
12. Motion for Adjournment
Motion: I move that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education be adjourned. A motion was made by _________________, seconded by __________________, that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education be adjourned at ___________p.m. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez ___ Casillas___ Giron___ Macias____ Parker ___ Rivers ___ Williams___ The motion was declared________________. |