June 14, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of School District 89 Maywood-Melrose Park-Broadview will come to order at _______p.m. on June 14, 2012.
2. Roll Call
Upon roll call, the following members responded as present: Bonilla-Lopez ___ Corral ___ Dorris ___ Gustello ___ Rivers___Urso ___ Williams ___ |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognition - Samantha Medina
5. Presentation
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Bilingual Services Update
6.B. Buildings and Grounds Update
6.C. Special Education Update
6.D. Teaching and Learning Update
6.E. Technology Update
6.F. Curriculum Update
6.G. FOIA Updates
7. Statement regarding Public Comment
If you intend to speak, please fill out completely a "Questions and Comments Form" and present it to the Interim Superintendent’s Executive Administrative Assistant at this time. The Board will hear comments related to the agenda. The Board will hear comments not related to the agenda, however, these comments may be forwarded to the Interim Superintendent or to the school Principal for an individual response. Please remain seated until you are called. Comments will be limited to three minutes. |
8. Acceptance of Comments or Questions from Audience
9. President's Report
10. Old Business - Uniform Policy Tabled May 10, 2012
11. New Business
12. Retire to Closed Session
A motion was made by ____________, seconded by ________________, that the Board retire into Closed Session at ____________p.m. for the purpose of: |
12.A. Student disciplinary cases, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9);
12.B. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific
employees of the district or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/02(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057; |
12.C. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or
deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2); |
12.D. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been
filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/02(c)(l1). When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez___Corral___Dorris___Gustello___Rivers___Urso___Williams___ The motion was declared ________. |
13. Board to Reconvene to Regular Session
A motion was made by _____________, seconded by _________________, to reconvene the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education at __________p.m. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez ___ Corral ___ Dorris ___ Gustello ___ Rivers ___ Urso ___ Williams ___ The motion was declared ______________. |
14. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda
14.A. Approval of Meeting Minutes
14.A.1) May 10, 2012 Regular Board Meeting - FORTHCOMING
14.A.2) May 12, 2012 Closed Session Meeting
14.B. Approval of Personnel Items
14.B.1) Appointment of Certified Personnel
14.B.2) Certified Resignations
14.B.3) Certified Request for Leaves
14.B.4) Certified Transfers
14.B.5) Certified Retirees
14.B.6) Termination of Employees
14.B.7) Educational Support Personnel Transactions
14.B.8) Volunteers/Student Teachers
14.B.9) Salary Adjustments/Title Change
14.C. Approval of June Bills/Payroll
14.D. Approval of an increase in the price of lunch from $1.80 to $2.00 for the period beginning July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
14.E. Motion to authorize the administration to request RFPs from qualified suppliers for Gas and Electric Energy
14.F. First Reading of New Policies: 2:120, 2:120-E2, 2:190, 2:200, 2:220E2, 2:220E6, 4:110, 4:170, 5:10, 5:30, 5:125, 5:190, 5:220, 5:260, 5:285, 6:50, 6:110, 6:185, 6:280, 7:100, 7:190, 7:270. (Revision 38)
14.G. Motion to authorize the destruction of closed session tapes that date from December 2010 or prior to that time.
14.H. Adoption of Charter Schools Policy (Revision 37)
14.I. Approval of Joint Usage Agreement with Veterans Park District, pending attorney review
14.J. Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement FY2013 between West 40 and School District 89 for the purpose of transferring students into the West 40 Regional Safe Schools Program
14.K. Approval of a memorandum of Understanding between the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and School District 89 for the Purpose of Participating in the Healthy Schools Program during the 2012-2013 School Year
14.L. Approval for the continuation of the partnership between School District 89 and Dominican University, pending attorney review
14.M. Motion to approve per diem payment to Michael Robey
14.N. Motion to approve Network Upgrades by Heartland Business Systems in an amount not to exceed $510,000.00
14.O. Approval of a new 36-month contract with AT&T to increase the bandwidth from 20MB to 100 MB, commencing July 1, 2012 and ending on June 30, 2015, pending attorney review.
14.P. Approval of the Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Jump Start Program for Summer 2012
A motion was made by _________, seconded by _________, to approve the consent agenda. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez_____Corral_____Dorris_____Gustello_____Rivers_____Urso_____Williams____ The motion was declared____________________ |
15. Resolution providing for the issue of 2011 Educational Purposes Tax Anticipation Warrants for educational purposes.
A motion was made by _________, seconded by _________, to approve a Resolution providing for the issue of 2011 Educational Purposes Tax Anticipation Warrants for Educational Purposes.. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez_____Corral_____Dorris_____Gustello_____Rivers_____Urso_____Williams____ The motion was declared____________________
16. Motion to approve charges against employee SS#***-**-1340.
A motion was made by ___________, seconded by _____________, to approve the charges against employee SS#***-**-1340. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez_____Corral_____Dorris_____Gustello_____Rivers_____Urso_____Williams_____ The motion was declared _____________________. |
17. Motion for Adjournment
A motion was made by _________________, seconded by __________________, that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education be adjourned at ___________. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez ___ Corral ___ Dorris ___ Gustello ___ Rivers ___ Urso ___ Williams ___ The motion was declared________________. |