August 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order:
1.a. Announcement that a Quorum is present and that the meeting has been duly called and posted as required by law.
2. Public Comment
3. Report Items:
3.a. Superintendent
3.a.1. Legislative Update
3.a.2. Construction Update
3.a.3. School Roofs/Hailstorm Update
3.a.4. Bond Sale Report
3.a.5. 2021 Bond Schedule Update
3.a.6. Fall Board Meeting Dates
3.b. Deputy Superintendent
3.b.1. Student Handbook
3.b.2. STAAR/EOC Report
3.c. Assistant Superintendent
3.c.1. Financial Reports
4. Consent Items:
4.a. Personnel:
4.a.1. Resignations, Replacements and New Hires
4.b. Consider Approval of Minutes for the Regular Called Meeting of July 20,2023
4.c. Consider Approval of LBMS Fine Arts Renovation for Orchestra Program
4.d. Consider Approval of Wastewater Contract with City of Lubbock
4.e. Consider Approval of JJAEP MOU Agreement with Lubbock County
4.f. Consider Approval of Purchase of iStation for Elementary and MS Campuses
4.g. Consider Approval of Video Monitoring System for School Buses
5. Action Items:
5.a. Consider Approval of an Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit (Option 3 Agreement) and to Delegate Constractual Authority to the Superintendent
5.b. Consider Resolution to Approve the 2023 Tax Rate
6. Adjourn