December 8, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. School Board Recognition
V.A. Acknowledgement of Kevin Bollman's Service to the School Board
V.B. Fall Sport Recipients
View the coaches videos at the following link:
VI. Superintendent’s Report
VII. Removal of Consent Items for Discussion
VIII. Approval of Consent Items
VIII.A. Minutes of November 17, 2022 Policy Committee Meeting
VIII.B. Minutes of November 17, 2022 Regular School Board Meeting
VIII.C. Authorization of Payments, Transfers, and Investment Activity
VIII.D. Personnel
VIII.D.1. Paula Vaughn, retirement effective March 1, 2023, as District Accountant at North Branch Area Public Schools
VIII.D.2. Michelle Dufault, retirement effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year, as Elementary Teacher at Sunrise River Elementary School
VIII.D.3. Michelle Trunk, retirement effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year, as Instructional Strategies Coach at North Branch Area Middle School
VIII.D.4. Ramona Wideen, extension of leave request effective November 28, 2022 through January 1, 2023, as Lead Custodian at Sunrise River Elementary School
VIII.D.5. Barbara Gray, leave request effective December 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023, as SPED Assistant at North Branch Area Middle School
VIII.D.6. Rebecca Whiting, BS, Step 1, effective October 17, 2022 through the end of the 2022-23 school year, for a Tier 1 License for Science Teacher at North Branch Area High School
VIII.D.7. Dawn White, MA+60, Step 8, beginning October 26, 2022 through the end of the 2022-23 school year, as 0.33 FTE Science Teacher at North Branch Area High School
VIII.D.8. Rachel Fox-Ledo, employment effective October 25, 2022, as Lunchroom/Playground Assistant at Sunrise River Elementary School
VIII.D.9. Keegan Frazier, employment effective October 31, 2022, as SPED Assistant at North Branch Area High School
VIII.D.10. Samantha Hoffman, employment effective November 3, 2022, as School Age Care Adult Assistant at North Branch Area Education Center
VIII.D.11. Lindsey Swartz, employment effective November 16, 2022, as SPED Assistant at North Branch Area High School
VIII.D.12. 2022-23 Extra Curricular Winter Coach Positions
VIII.D.12.a. Norm Nagel, Class 4, Step 3, as Assistant Coach for Gymnastics
VIII.D.12.b. Norm Nagel, Class 9, Step 10, as Weightroom Supervisor during the winter season
VIII.E. Acceptance of Donations
Minnesota Statute 123B.02 permits school boards to "...receive, for the benefit of the district, bequests, donations, or gifts for any proper purpose and apply the same to the purpose designated. In that behalf, the board may act as trustee of any trust created for the benefit of the district, and for the benefit of pupils thereof." Therefore, the Superintendent recommends the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 138 that the School Board accept with appreciation the following contributions and permit their use as designated by the donors.
IX. Open Mic: Open mic is a time for public comment. However, it is not a means to have issues added to this evening’s agenda. It is also not a means to discuss specific individuals negatively in public, either by name or position. If you would like district follow up to comments, please leave appropriate contact information on the open mic sign-in sheet. Please limit your comments to three minutes.
X. Old Business
X.A. Revisit 2022-23 School Calendar
X.B. Consider Second Reading of the Following Policies
X.B.1. Policy 413 - Harassment and Violence (Annual review, no changes)
X.B.2. Policy 506-NB - Student Discipline (Annual review. MSBA changes to references and language)
X.B.3. Policy 514 - Bullying Prohibition Policy (Annual review. MSBA changes to references and language)
XI. New Business
XI.A. Consider Acceptance of Audit Report for FY2022
XI.B. Consider Certification of Property Tax Levy 2022, Payable 2023 in the Amount
of $10,051,361.35
XI.C. Consider First Reading of the Following Policies
XI.C.1. Policy 522 - Title IX Sex Nondiscrimination Policy, Grievance Procedure and Process (Annual review. MSBA changes to references and language)
XI.C.2. Policy 616 - School District System Accountability (Annual review. MSBA changes to references and language)
XI.C.3. Policy 806 - Crisis Management Policy (Annual review. MSBA changes to references and language)
XII. Addendum
XII.A. New Business
XII.A.1. Consider First Reading of 2023-24 Draft School Calendar
XIII. Information
XIII.A. Board & Administrator December 2022 Issue
XIV. Board Requests
XV. Committee Reports
XVI. Dates to Remember
XVI.A. Thursday, January 12, 2023 Policy Committee Meeting, 4:30 pm, North Branch
Area Education Center, Conference Room, B122 |
XVI.B. Thursday, January 12, 2023 Organizational Meeting, 5:30 pm, North Branch
Area Education Center, Boardroom, C120 |
XVI.C. Thursday, January 12, 2023 Regular School Board Meeting, immediately
following the Organizational Meeting, North Branch Area Education Center, Boardroom, C120 |
XVI.D. Thursday, January 26, 2023, School Board Work Session, 5:30 pm, North
Branch Area Education Center, Boardroom, C120 |
XVII. Adjournment