June 11, 2020 at 5:45 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Superintendent’s Report
VI. Removal of Consent Items for Discussion
VII. Approval of Consent Items
VII.A. Minutes of May 14, 2020 Regular School Board Meeting
VII.B. Authorization of Payments, Transfers, and Investment Activity
VII.C. Personnel
VII.C.1. Kaytee Broskoff, resignation effective May 19, 2020 as School Age Care Adult Assistant at North Branch Area Education Center
VII.C.2. Chelsea Halseth, BS+15, Step 1, beginning with the 2020-21 school year, as SPED Teacher at North Branch Area Education Center
VII.C.3. William Weinreis, employment effective July 1, 2020, as Groundskeeper at North Branch Area Public Schools
VII.C.4. Jennifer Daas, position change beginning with the 2020-21 school year, from Early Childhood Assistant to Media/Health Clerk at North Branch Area Education Center
VII.C.5. Matthew Lattimore, position change from Athletic Director to Middle School Assistant Principal effective July 1, 2020
VII.C.6. Chad DeBruzzi, request to be released from his contract for the upcoming 2020-21 school year, contingent upon the district hiring a suitable replacement, as Math Teacher at the Norse Area Learning Center
VII.D. Acceptance of Donations
Minnesota Statute 123B.02 permits school boards to "...receive, for the benefit of the district, bequests, donations, or gifts for any proper purpose and apply the same to the purpose designated. In that behalf, the board may act as trustee of any trust created for the benefit of the district, and for the benefit of pupils thereof." Therefore, the Superintendent recommends the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 138 that the School Board accept with appreciation the following contributions and permit their use as designated by the donors.
VIII. Open Mic: Open mic is available to community members during regular school board meetings. It is not available at special meetings, emergency meetings, or work sessions. Open mic is a time for public comment. However, it is not a means to have issues added to this evening’s agenda. It is also not a means to discuss specific individuals negatively in public, either by name or position. If you would like district follow up to comments, please leave appropriate contact information. Open mic comments should be sent to School Board Chair Kirby Ekstrom at kekstrom@isd138.org.
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
X.A. Consider Revisions to the 2019-20 Budget and Adoption of 2020-21 Budget
X.B. Consider Establishment of Committed and Assigned Fund Balances
X.C. Consider Student Fees for 2020-21
X.D. Consider Resolution Regarding Fund Balance Transfers
X.E. Consider Letter of Agreement Regarding Discontinuation of Paid-Up Life Insurane
X.E.1. North Branch Education Association (NBEA)
X.E.2. North Branch Support Staff Association (NBSSA)
X.E.3. North Branch Principals Association
X.E.4. Local No. 284 (Custodians)
X.F. Consider 2020-2021 Resolution for Membership in the Minnesota State High School League
X.G. Consider Renewal of Membership in Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA) - $2,500.00
X.H. Consider Renewal of Membership in Schools for Equity in Education (SEE) - $3,881.00
X.I. Consider Request to Bid for Garbage Services
X.J. Consider Request to Bid for Fuel and Gasoline
X.K. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of the Following Probationary Teacher
X.K.1. Amanda Fredlund - Community Education Early Childhood Instructor- North Branch Area Education Center
XI. Addendum
XI.A. Consent
XI.A.1. Tara Posegate, request to be released from her contract for the upcoming 2020-21 school year, contingent upon the district hiring a suitable replacement, as Elementary Teacher at Sunrise River Elementary School
XI.A.2. Jill Wettschreck, resignation effective the end of the 2019-20 school year, as SPED Assistant at Sunrise River Elementary School
XI.A.3. Jacob Sayre, BS, Step 1, LTS for Kathryn Amunrud, for the 2020-21 school year, as SPED Teacher at Sunrise River Elementary School
XI.B. New Business
XI.B.1. Consider Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a State and Local Government Single Schedule Lease Purchase Agreement and Supplements Thereto, and Related Documents and Certificates
XI.B.2. Consider Resolution Filling School Board Vacancy by Appointment
XII. Information
XII.A. Board & Administrator May 2020 Issue
XII.B. Board & Administrator June 2020 Issue
XIII. Board Requests
XIV. Committee Reports
XIV.A. SEE (Schools for Equity in Education)
XIV.B. Negotiations
XIV.C. MSBA Update or Report
XIV.F. Staff Development Report
XIV.G. Community Education Advisory Committee Report
XIV.H. Policy Committee Report
XV. Dates to Remember
XV.A. Thursday, July 9, 2020 Regular School Board Meeting, 5:30 pm, Location to be determined
XV.B. Wednesday, July 15, 2020 OPEB Meeting, 2:00 pm, Location to be determined
XVI. Motion to Close Meeting for a Closed Session on Negotiations
The School Board will close the meeting pursuant Minn. Stat. § 13D.03 to consider strategy for labor negotiations, including negotiation strategies or developments or discussion and review of labor negotiation proposals concerning the NBSSA contract. |
XVII. Meeting Reopened
XVIII. Adjournment