July 10, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Superintendent’s Report
VI. Removal of Consent Items for Discussion
VII. Approval of Consent Items
VII.A. Minutes of June 12, 2014 Policy Committee Meeting
VII.B. Minutes of June 12, 2014 Regular School Board Meeting
VII.C. Authorization of Payments, Transfers, and Investment Activity
VII.D. Personnel
VII.D.1. Sam Ferraro, MA 45, Step 17, as Math and Project Lead the Way Teacher at North Branch High School
VII.D.2. Theresa Brunnette, MA 60, Step 17, as SPED Teacher at North Branch High School
VII.D.3. Michael Kolb, BA 45, Step 10, as French Teacher at North Branch High School
VII.D.4. Ann Husfeldt, BA 00, Step 1, as Sixth Grade Teacher at North Branch Middle School
VII.D.5. Kristina Faust-Horn, resignation effective June 13, 2014, as School Psychologist at North Branch High School
VII.D.6. Ben Westby, resignation effective April 1, 2014, as Math Teacher at North Branch High School
VII.E. Acceptance of Donations
Minnesota Statute 123B.02 permits school boards to "...receive, for the benefit of the district, bequests, donations, or gifts for any proper purpose and apply the same to the purpose designated. In that behalf, the board may act as trustee of any trust created for the benefit of the district, and for the benefit of pupils thereof." Therefore, the Superintendent recommends the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 138 that the School Board accept with appreciation the following contributions and permit their use as designated by the donors.
VIII. Open Mic: Open mic is a time for public comment. However, it is not a means to have issues added to this evening’s agenda. If you would like district follow up to comments, please leave appropriate contact information on the open mic sign-in sheet. Please limit your comments to three minutes.
IX. Old Business
IX.A. Consider Second Reading of Policy 496 - Teacher Substitute Pay
IX.B. Consider Second Reading of Policy 507 - Corporal Punishment
IX.C. Consider Second Reading of Policy 509 - Enrollment of Nonresident Students
IX.D. Consider Second Reading of Policy 510 - School Activities
IX.E. Consider Second Reading of Policy 511 - Fund-Raising and Solicitation
IX.F. Consider Second Reading of Policy 512 - School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities
IX.G. Consider Acceptance of Bids for Garbage Pickup and Awarding the Contract
IX.H. Consider Acceptance of Bids for Diesel Fuel and Gasoline and Awarding the Contract
X. New Business
X.A. Elimination of Policy 695 - Extra-Curricular Eligibility
X.B. Consider Annual Actions for Compliance with Health and Safety Requirements
X.B.1. Adopt Current Health and Safety Policy - NO CHANGES RECOMMENDED
X.B.2. Adopt Health and Safety Budget
X.C. Consider Approval of 2014-15 Student and Parent Handbook
X.D. Consider Renewal of Membership in Resource Training and Solutions - $7,500.60
X.E. Consider Renewal of Membership in Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) - $7,941.00
XI. Addendum
XI.A. Consent
XI.A.1. Kimberly Copenhaver, resignation effective July 18, 2014, as Alternative Program Secretary at North Branch Area Public Schools
XI.A.2. Nick Nitti, resignation effective May 21, 2014, as SPED Teacher at North Branch High School
XI.A.3. Jennifer McCann, MA 00, Step 4, LTS for Kristen Thomas, as Second Grade Teacher at Sunrise River Elementary School
XI.A.4. Chad Carlson, BA 45, Step 11, as Social Studies Teacher at North Branch Middle School
XI.A.5. Jacqueline Stender, BA, Step 9, as SPED Teacher at Sunrise River Elementary School
XII. Information
XII.A. Fund Raising Report for 2013-14
XIII. Board Requests
XIV. Committee Reports
XIV.A. SEE (Schools for Equity in Education)
XIV.B. Negotiations
XIV.B.3. Teamster Local 320 (Bus Drivers)
XIV.C. MSBA Update or Report
XIV.D. Minnesota State High School League Report
XIV.F. TIES Report
XIV.G. Staff Development Report
XIV.H. OPEB Committee Report
XIV.I. ECFE Report
XIV.J. Policy Committee Report
XV. Dates to Remember
XV.A. Tuesday, July 22, 2014 Negotiations Committee Meeting, 4:45 pm, North Branch Area Education Center, Room 121
XV.B. Tuesday, July 22, 2014 Principal Negotiations Session, 5:00 pm, North Branch Area Education Center, Room 118
XV.C. Tuesday, July 29, 2014 Negotiations Committee Meeting, 5:15 pm, North Branch Area Education Center, Room 121
XV.D. Tuesday, July 29, 2014 Bus Driver Negotiations Session, 5:30 pm, North Branch Area Education Center, Room 118
XV.E. Thursday, August 14, 2014 Regular School Board Meeting, 7:00 pm, North Branch Area Education Center, Room 126
XVI. Adjournment